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Volunteer Opportunities at Mill Run

Whether you are participating in worship services, working in the kitchen, taking photos, or simply lending a helping hand, know that your help strengthens our church community. “Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not people” (Ephesians 6:7).


For questions about serving, contact Jonathan Nasby.

Next Generation

We help form kids and teens in foundational Christian teaching in age-appropriate settings, equipping and supporting families for prayer and spiritual conversation in the process.

Youth Ministry Hospitality Team

Create a welcoming environment for MSM and HSM Sunday nights.

Kids Church Small Group Leader

Help kids learn about Jesus and teach to a small group.

High School Ministry Events Team

Help with events while building relationships with students.

Middle School Ministry Events Team

Help with events while building relationships with students.

Kids Church Rally Sunday Volunteer

Help with a high-energy, relational, and fun monthly event.

High School Ministry Core Team

Build relationships with and disciple students in grades 9-12.

Middle School Ministry Core Team Leader

Build relationships with and mentor students in grades 6-8.

Kids Church Pre-K Volunteer

Teach preschoolers about Jesus.

Kids Church Small Group Teen

Teens assist a small group leader.

Kids Church Hospitality Team

Help get kids and parents to right place on Sunday mornings.

Next Generation


We usher people into a meaningful time of connection with God and others through worship, fellowship, Bible study, and the sacraments of communion and baptism.

Sanctuary Choir Member

Help lead the congregation in worship.

Mill Run Greeter

Make visitors feel welcome at the doors every Sunday.

Mill Run Slide Tech

Make sure everything flows on our screens on Sunday mornings.

Mill Run Usher Team

Welcome guests, collect offering, and help folks find a seat.

Mill Run Connections Team

Talk to people and help connect them with what is happening at UALC.

Mill Run Audio Tech

Ensure the sound for our Sunday services is amazing.

Mill Run Prayer Team

Cover the church in prayer.

Mill Run Communion Team

Serve, prepare, and make the elements of communion.

Music Team Volunteer

Help lead the congregation in worship.

Mill Run Lector

Lead the congregation in Bible reading during services.

Mill Run Coffee Team

Brew and serve coffee, and talk to people on Sunday mornings.



We connect with and support people through small groups, prayer, care, and support resources.

Visual Arts Ministry Team

Help coordinate and facilitate the displayed art around the church buildings

LIFEwalk Prayer Minister

Pray with and for those going through difficult seasons of life.

Small Group Facilitator Partner

Build up and encourage small group leaders.

Congregational Care Minister

Care for and visit individuals who are unable to get to church.

Small Group Facilitator

Help lead a small group.

Small Group Connector

Help to partner individuals with groups.


Essential Services

We act as good stewards by supporting ministry efforts and working collaboratively across areas of discipline.

Essential Services

Building Crew

Help maintain our facilities.

Social Media Team

Help get the word out on social media.

Communications Writing Team

Write about people and ministries, and promote programs.

Funeral Reception Ministry Team

Help serve families navigating loss during the funerals held at UALC.

Security Team

Keeps the church body safe at worship every Sunday.

Special Event Ministry Team

Help prepare spaces and food for special events.

Photography Team

Photograph and document all that is happening at UALC.

Welcome Desk Substitute

Answer phones and work in reception areas.

Office Volunteer

Answer phones and work in reception areas.

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