Lytham Road Community is worshiping at Windermere Elementary through March 23. Follow the schedule here.


From the earliest of ages, we partner with parents to help their children follow Jesus. You’re in the phase where imaginations run wild, trying new things is normal, and “why?” is an all too common question. Learn more about the ways God can connect you and the church to build a strong foundation.
Contact Melissa Davis, Kids Ministry Director (Lytham Road); Kelsey Bacon, Interim Kids Ministry Director (Mill Run); or Tonya Riedel, Nursery Coordinator, for questions about anything related to Kids Ministry.
UALC Preschool and Kindergarten
Ages 3–5
For over 40 years, we have offered high-quality, part-time programs for 3-, 4-, and 5-year-olds. Children experiment, investigate, create, and discover in an environment based on Christian values.
UALC Mom Community (MomCo)
For mothers with young children
We are the Mom Community, MomCo for short. MomCo is a non-profit organization that encourages and equips moms of young children to realize their potential as mothers, women and leaders, in relationship with Jesus. We meet the first and third Tuesday of the month from 9:00-11:00 am at the Mill Run Campus. Childcare is provided for ages 0-Kindergarten.
PreK Kids' Church
For Ages 4-5
During the school year
Our Modern Worship Services offer Kids’ Church for preschoolers throughout the school year (Mill Run at 9:00 am and Lytham Road at 11:00 am).
Our Vision for Kids Ministries
God loves kids, so we do too. We'd love to share our desires for your children as they experience the gospel of Jesus through Kids Ministry at our church.
Watch the full vision in this video >

For more information
Contact Melissa Davis, Kids Ministry Director (Lytham Road Campus), for questions about anything related to our kids programming (birth through fifth grade).

For more information
Contact Star Bradley, Kids Ministry Director (Mill Run Campus), for questions about anything related to our kids programming (birth through fifth grade).
Sunday Worship Services
We gather each Sunday to hear the Word of God and receive His presence and promises to us in Holy Communion, praising the Lord through prayer, song, and fellowship. Find more here.
Small Groups
Small groups are three or more individuals meeting together routinely in homes and rooms across the city. These groups are central to the relational life of UALC; where we can know and be known, love and be loved, and care and be cared for. Visit for more information.
Daily Worship - Time With God
The rhythms of our week shape the values in our homes. Between Sundays we worship God at home through studying the Bible, prayer, fasting, laughing with family, sharing a meal with a neighbor, or doing our best at work. Worshiping God with everything means that everything can be worship when we do for God’s glory with an awareness of His presence. Click on this link to access our Daily Bible readings and resources for your time with God.
New Member Class
Joining the Family and Mission of UALC
UALC is a dynamic family always welcoming new people. The New Member Class is made for those who want to learn more about UALC, meet people, and find out more about joining our community in following Jesus together. Led by our Senior Pastor, campus pastors, and staff, it’s the best way to get connected and understand how we are living out our mission and vision. At the end of the class, each person can make a choice about becoming a member. Taking this step to become a member deepens your connection to the church family.
The next class is March 2 and 9, 2025; 3:30-5:00 pm at the Mill Run Campus. Nursery care is available and older children can attend the session. New Member Sunday is March 30. Learn more and register here.
Learn more about education opportunities here.
Next Gen (Youth) Ministries
Children and teens age 3 through high school can find age appropriate resources and connection points. Click here for more information
Prayer Requests
Need prayer or want to join us in prayer? We pray for those who desire prayer for any need. Find details. Contact: Becki Bork.
UALC Young Professionals
Connect and build relationships with others in their 20s and 30s through monthly fellowship and service events.
Baptism Class
We offer the sacrament to members and non-members, children and adults alike. If you are parents of a young child, you'll first attend a Baptism Class (attendance is required for the first child only). Classes are offered in-person on the second Sunday of every month, 1:00-2:00 pm or by appointment. Parents will hear UALC’s strategy for partnering with families throughout all the phases from birth to college. Adults who've never been baptized but have put their faith in Jesus can contact one of our pastors to talk about being baptized. Find details and register here. After completing registration, Pastor Joe (Lytham Road) or Pastor David (Mill Run) will be in touch.
Learn more about education opportunities here.
Contacts: Joe Valentino or David White, or call 614-451-3736.
Middle School (MSM) Sunday Night
MSM Sunday Night is a fun, welcoming community where middle schoolers can come to grow, connect, and play lots of games with friends. We meet most Sunday nights during the school year from 5:00-7:30 pm at our Mill Run Campus, for small groups and a few large group games. New friends are always welcome. Contact: Mary Kate Hipp
UALC Mission Partners
We are passionately invested with our mission partners. We seek to serve our world and invite our neighbors to catch the love of Christ as we serve together to meet real needs in our community. We serve regularly and lead others to serve as we give generously of our time, talent, and treasure. Learn more about our national mission partners, our international mission partners, and local serving opportunities.
HARP - Helping Appalachian Rural People
Helping Appalachian Rural People is a Christian organization that works to serve people seeking self-sufficiency, leading to independence by providing spiritual, emotional, and material support. Contact: Jonathan Nasby
Heart to Honduras (HTH)
Heart to Honduras seeks to form disciples who will transform their world -- to foster thriving Honduran communities by developing the gifts and capacities of visionary, engaged, local leaders. In addition, UALC supports Kaleb and Stacey Eldridge who are key HTH workers in Honduras. Contact,
Watch a video here about rebuilding hope in Lomas del Aguila after two hurricanes.
Watch a video here about re-planting hope with the communities in our UALC ministry areas.
Kids' Church (3 yrs - 5th Grade)
For 3-year-olds – fifth graders
Children gather on Sunday mornings, for an engaging experience with Bible teaching and small group time. Click here for more info
Festa seeks to end poverty through life-changing relationships with neighbors and God, focusing principally on the poor living in the suburbs. Learn More
God's Hygiene Help Center
Our mission is to help people in need and living in poverty to live more dignified and comfortable lives. We provide hygiene products, feminine hygiene products, school supplies and winter accessories to people who cannot provide these items for themselves. Contact Kathryn Farrar.
International Friendship, Inc. (IFI)
International Friendship seeks to extend life-changing hospitality and friendship to international students out of reverence for Jesus. Find lots more information here. Contact International Friendships; UALC Contact: Tara Robison
First Communion
Elementary student and parents (second grade and up):
Hear and learn how Jesus comes to us and gives us himself through communion and baptism. At the end of this class, kids have an opportunity to be baptized if needed, and encouraged to start taking communion regularly with our congregation.
A parent only class goes over the foundations of the sacrament, followed by a parent and child class. Younger and older children will rotate through course materials in small groups based on their age and grade. Learn more.
Questions? Contact: Melissa Davis
LIFEwalk Ministries
LIFEwalk is a Bible-based prayer ministry committed to the care and encouragement of God’s people. It is for those in a time of pain, difficulty, trouble, or grief and need someone to walk alongside. Read more.
Contact: Kim Greene, email LIFEwalk.
Lutheran Church of South Sudan (LCSS)
The Lutheran Church of South Sudan is currently living as refugees in several neighboring countries, with its headquarters in Gambela, Ethiopia. We support their seminary, nursing school, and women's programs. Find out more here.
Worship Volunteers
Many volunteers are needed to help make our Sunday Gatherings possible each week. Click here to find volunteer opportunities.
Contact Jonathan Nasby if you are interested in taking the next step to find a place to serve.
Celebrate Recovery®
Anyone struggling with life issues such as alcoholism, overeating, codependency, sexual brokenness, or financial problems can find help here. Celebrate Recovery is a Christian, 12-step program dealing with all sorts of hurts, habits and hang-ups. Meets Thursdays, 7:00-8:30 pm at Mill Run. Ask more information through our confidential email: Celebrate Recovery.
Clothes Closet & Such
Supplying gently used clothing, shoes, and kitchenwares to those in need in the Greater Columbus area and Ohio. Donations can be dropped off in the bins on the Mill Run loading dock. Click here to learn more about the ministry and donations requested.
We welcome volunteers to help organize donations. We meet Wednesdays, 9:00 am in basement of Mill Run. Questions? Contact Michelle Neeley.
UALC Mission Trips
We sponsor annual, short-term mission trips. Each trip has at least one specific focus, such as medical outreach, children's camp, or construction. Go to for current information, or reach out to Jonathan Nasby for updates on upcoming trips.
Nursery - Worship Information
Jesus said, “Let the children come to me.” We value intergenerational worship at UALC! God also put the wiggle in children, so don’t feel like you have to suppress them in worship. Feel free to bring a bag of fun to keep hands busy, while your kids take in way more than we give them credit for as they worship with you. The nursery (for ages 3 months - 3 years) is available at both campuses during the 9:00 and 11:00 am services. You can also stream services at home at Questions? Contact UALC Nursery
High School (HSM) Sunday Night
Join other teens in a discipling community, where we check in on each other, study the Bible, pray, and serve others together. Meets on Sundays, 5:00-7:30 pm, at the Mill Run Campus, during the school year. For information and to get plugged in, contact Steve Almquist.
UALC Preschool and Kindergarten
For over 40 years, we have offered high quality, part-time programs for 3-, 4-, 5- year-olds. Children experiment, investigate, create and discover in an environment based on Christian values. Information, registration and class descriptions. Call 614-451-3736, ext 4633.
Confirmation (9th-12th Graders)
9th-12th graders and parents (1st session with parents):
UALC celebrates this important season where students begin the adult life of following Jesus. Delve deeper into the foundations of the Christian faith and learn practical ways to be a daily follower of Jesus. Please attend at least one retreat or camp and one mission trip prior to Confirmation. Contact: Steve Almquist
Women of the Word (WOW)
Meet, pray, and discuss with other women as you grow in your understanding of the Christian faith. For women age 18 and older. Friends, neighbors and co-workers are invited. Studies are offered throughout the year.
Join us for our next 12-session study, "Experiencing God." Discover a God-centered way of life as we get to know God intimately, recognize His voice, and understand His will.
Sessions include video teaching, small group discussion, and prayer, and meet at the following times from January 16 – April 12, 2025:
Wednesday Evening (6:45-9:00 pm)
Thursday Morning (9:15-11:15 am)
Thursday Afternoon (12:30-2:30 pm)
Saturday Morning (9:15-11:15 am)
Find details and register here.
Contact: Cara Crippen
Teen Connect
A dedicated space for teens at both campuses, to connect after each Sunday service. There are free donuts and hanging-out time with other teens and youth leaders. Contact Kelsey Bacon.
Congregational Meeting
Congregational Meetings are held at least two times per year. Meetings include presentations of financial reports, voting on nominees to Church Council and Nominating Committee, and updates from the senior pastor and leaders.
Go to for more information.
UALC Mobile App
Find all kinds of resources on our app, including links to our Daily Worship Blog, sermon discussion questions, and online giving just to name a few. Click here to download app
Carol Choir
For children in grades 3-6. We sing, enjoy high-energy games, look in the Bible, enjoy a winter late-night retreat and a spring musical event. We sing in Sunday and holiday church services. Meets on Wednesdays during the school year, Aug. 28, 2024 - May 7, 2025, at the Mill Run Campus, from 4:00-5:30 pm. Cost is $30 per child (and $5 for siblings). New children are always welcome! Register here.
Contact: Laura Natalie and Dulcy Delcamp. Email Carol Choir.
Vacation Bible School (VBS)
VBS has a long standing tradition at our church and within our communities. Children learn Bible stories, sing favorite VBS songs, play games, and create art projects.
Awana® Clubs
For children beginning at age 3-grade 6.. We teach about the Bible and train kids to follow the example of Jesus Christ. Children earn uniforms and use workbooks at home. Club meets during the school year. More information. New children are always welcome. Contact: Awana
Financial Aid, Scholarships, or Material Assistance
For questions or information regarding financial assistance, contact our Care Director, Becki Bork, 614-451-3736, ext 4634.
For scholarships for our children's programs, contact Melissa Davis
Middle School (MSM) Mission Experiences
Throughout the year, we have multiple service opportunities. We go on a longer mission trip in the summer. We also do a two-day poverty-focused mission experience called the Micro Mission in the spring, as well as other one-off service experiences throughout the school year. Contact Mary Kate Hipp
UALC Community Garden
The Community Garden at Mill Run supplies 15,000 lbs of fresh produce for individuals and families in Hilliard and surrounding areas. For vegetables, or to help in the garden (full families welcome), contact our garden stewards with any questions. Come on out on Saturday mornings, we have all the tools you'll need, (early spring-late fall).
Contact: Todd Marti, or Irma Chon
Blood Drive
There are regular opportunities to donate blood at the Mill Run Campus and other locations.
Every other month, on Saturday mornings, the Red Cross will holds a blood drive from 8:30 am - 12:45 pm. Check the calendar here. Register online.
We also donate at Versiti Blood Center of Ohio. Versiti is the sole provider of blood products to OSU Wexner Medical Center's hospitals. Find times and locations online.
UALC Weddings
If you're a member, you are welcome to contact the UALC office to discuss scheduling your wedding service and reception at our Lytham Road or Mill Run Campus. For more information, contact Nichole Bellair
Hilliard Helps Resource System
A free website listing all programs in Hilliard that help families in need. Visit for information. Organized by Serving Our Neighbors (SON) Ministries: bringing hope to children and families in need in the Hilliard area. Contact: Kim Emch
Kairos Cookies
Calling all bakers! Kairos needs chocolate chip cookies for Kairos Prison Ministry Weekends.
Bake chocolate chip cookies for the Kairos weekends. Pack one-dozen in a ziplock bag, pray over them, and drop off in the Mill Run freezer on loading dock.
Check out this impact video testimony.
Other leaders: Eric Spires, Steve Bruns, Randy Roys, Paul Nordman, Dave Foster, Brad Hyatt, or Andy Kientz.
Volunteer - Middle School Ministry (MSM)
We are looking for individuals of any age who love Jesus and desire to love and serve middle schoolers. As a volunteer, you can serve as a small group leader, helping to facilitate the events of MSM and discipling students in a small group, or on the hospitality team, which helps with set up, tear down, check-in, and food. Volunteers serve on Sundays throughout the school year, meet regularly with their fellow leaders to grow together, and have the opportunity to join and lead students on mission trips, retreats, camp, and other special events. Most weeks this is a 3-4 hour commitment (the majority of which will take place on Sunday). If you have any questions about being an MSM Volunteer Leader, contact Kelsey Bacon.
Red Cross Blood Drive
Held every other month on Saturdays from 8:00 am-12:45 pm at Mill Run. Check the calendar here.
Register online or check your donation time at the Red Cross national site, click here. Sponsor Code is UALC. For additional information or to volunteer, contact Paul Schmitt, email Blood Drive.
Volunteer - High School Ministry (HSM)
We are looking for individuals who love the Lord and enjoy serving, befriending, and discipling young people. Our volunteer leaders are a valued part of a community that is committed to discipling our high schoolers. Volunteers serve as small group facilitators each Sunday throughout the school year, they pray with and for our students regularly, and have the opportunity to join and lead students on mission trips, retreats, and other special events. Most weeks this is a 3-4 hour commitment (the majority of which will take place on Sunday). If you have any questions about being an HSM Volunteer Leader, contact Steve Almquist.
Nursery Staffing
The nursery is seeking Jesus-loving, caring, nurturing staff who love babies and toddlers. Each Sunday and during the week, we offer nursery care at both Lytham Road and Mill Run. We are in need of more workers to provide for the needs of parents who would like to participate in a worship service and weekday ministry program. Your commitment is flexible whether one day, or more per month. This is a paid position. To apply to serve, contact Nursery Coordinator for an application and information.
Hope Connection Support Group
Support for those with friends or family who have mental health issues; come to share, learn and be encouraged. Contact: Kathy Felty.
Volunteer - Kids' Church
We are looking for adults who love Jesus and love kids. Volunteering consists of serving as small group leaders each Sunday morning throughout the school year. Depending on the age group you volunteer in, your Sunday morning commitment looks a little different. For Preschool leaders you lead a group for the entire worship hour with teaching a Bible story, playing, singing, and leading activities. Kindergarten- 5th grade have Kids’ Church small groups for about 20 minutes during the worship service. Leaders teach the Bible lesson, connect with kids by praying and playing a game each week. All curriculum is provided, and all activities are prepped for you, ready for you to use each Sunday morning. Most weeks this is a two-hour commitment (the majority of which will take place on Sunday). If you have any questions about Kids’ Ministry, contact Melissa Davis.
Adult Sunday School
Join one of our Sunday morning groups as we delve deep into the Bible and learn from God's Word. Click here for more information.
UALC Bed Brigade
A volunteer group that provides simple, handmade bed frames, mattresses and bedding to those in need in our communities. Contact: Dale Cory
Food Pantries
The Lutheran Social Services Food Pantry serves the hungry around central Ohio. Visit the LSS Website here for information. Contact: Lutheran Social Services of Central Ohio, 614-443-5130
UALC Quilt Show
The quilt show has been a feature of the Visual Arts Ministry for many years, honoring veterans and donating to Habitat to Humanity. Quilts designed and sewn by Quilt Ministry members can be seen on display in the Mill Run upstairs gallery at various times of the year. Contact: Cheryl Hall
Volunteer - Video & Production Teams
We're looking for volunteers to help on Sundays with our video production. Training provided, please reach out to Alex Bacon.
Women's Bootcamp for the Soul
Join other women and take an opportunity to be refreshed and renewed as the Lord speaks to your heart. This weekend's focus is based on the book "Captivating" by Stasi Eldredge. You'll explore key questions about who God intends you to be and the spiritual battle for your heart. The weekend is in the Hocking Hills about an hour from Columbus. Cost is $300 and includes lodging, meals, and resources. Weekends are held throughout the year. The next weekend will be April 3-6, 2025.
Contact: Stacy Schad
Widows' Group
All widows welcome at any time for book discussion and prayer. Contact: Jan Fitz.
Facebook Community Groups
Join a campus-specific Facebook group to connect with others within your campus community. Campus Pastors David White and Joe Valentino lead the groups. Join the Mill Run Community Group here. Join the Lytham Road Community Group here.
UALC Library
UALC has a library at each campus filled with engaging, faith-based resources! Convenient self-checkout system and an online catalog! Bibles, Books, DVDs, and audio resources for all ages.
Click Here to access the online library card catalog
How Do I Check Out an Item?
We use a self-checkout procedure — directions are posted on the desks. Please return items promptly so we can continue to circulate the excellent resources that God has provided. If you need to keep materials longer, please let us know. Locked DVD display cases are located near the receptionist's desk and may be accessed when a receptionist is on duty.
• Books and music circulate for one month.
• DVDs should be returned next Sunday.
• Return items to either building.
Need Help? Contact UALC library
UALC MomCo (previously MOPS)
The UALC Mom Community (MomCo, previously known as MOPS or Mothers of Preschoolers) provides social, physical, spiritual connection and creative opportunities for expecting moms and moms with young children. We meet during the school year, on the first and third Tuesdays of the month, from 9:00-11:00 am at the Mill Run Campus, Sept. 17, 2024 through May 20, 2025. Enjoy guest speakers, sisterhood, and meaningful conversation.
- Childcare is provided for ages 0 - 6 (if they are not enrolled in kindergarten).
- Registration (for the full year): $140
*Cost includes MomCo International fee, childcare, and supplies.
Coordinators: Breanne Boeke, Taylor McClintock, and Rachel Evancho. Email UALC MomCo.
Men's Bootcamp Weekend
Bring your fishing gear for the stocked pond, your hiking boots for the trails or swimsuit for the hot tub. But most importantly, get ready to experience God and brotherhood like you never have before. Cost: $295. Watch a UALC video about the weekend.
John Eldredge, author of "Wild at Heart," will help us explore key questions about who we are as men, who God intends us to be and the spiritual battles that surround us. It’s a time of peace and introspection, healing and restoration, laughter and camaraderie, and a charge to become the warrior and lover you were meant to be. Watch a Wild at Heart trailer video about the material.
Weekends are offered at various times throughout the year. Contact: Jeff Schuster
"GRANDS" Small Group
A group of grandparents meeting to study God's Word and encourage one another as we strive to help our grandchildren follow Jesus. All grandparents and step-grandparents are welcome. Contact: Christine Thompson.
7 Day Bible Art Challenge
All artists are invited to participate in the UALC 7 Day Bible Art Challenge competition. Youth and adult artists have one week to create an artwork based on a passage from the Bible. Artwork is juried and cash prizes are awarded.
The 8th annual Challenge is in February 2025. The registration deadline is Sunday, February 9, 2025. Competition is February 12-19.
Mission and Seminarian Financial Support
UALC provides financial support for seminarians and the mission work of both individuals and agencies. Our Missions Committees are responsible for the screening process that qualifies this funding. Please click here for additional information.
Kids' Camp (Summer)
Kids’ Camp is for kids finishing grades 2-5 for five-days and four-nights at Woodland Lakes Camp in Amelia, Ohio. UALC members, non-members and friends welcome. Come hear and sing about Jesus, as we make new friends swim, traverse a climbing wall, zipline and more!
UALC Ministry Teams
Because we believe that everyone has gifts from God for ministry, various ministry teams are formed to carry out community outreach through youth and adults. To learn about serving on a ministry team, contact Jonathan Nasby.
Middle School Summer Camp
Middle School Camp is for students finishing grades 6-8. We go to Woodland Lakes Christian Camp in Amelia, Ohio for a week of outdoor adventures, awesome teaching and worship, and hanging with friends.
Contact: Mary Kate Hipp
Family Camp at Cedar Bay
Located in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, just 45 minutes from the Mackinac Bridge. This 30-year UALC tradition gathers more than 100 members and their friends. Accommodations include camping to lodges ranging from single-family units to ten-bedroom lodges. With 500 acres and six miles of beautiful Lake Huron shoreline, Cedar Bay provides lots of recreation including sailing, swimming, hiking and fun for all ages. Each day has opportunities for growth and refreshment as we grow together in Christ. The camp is located in Cedarville, find the map here.
Cost dependent on lodging choice. Find details here.
Worship Team
Share God-given musical talents for events or worship. Consider serving on either Kids’ Church or adult Sunday worship teams Contact: Aaron Thompson
Kairos Prison Ministry
The mission of the Kairos Prison Ministry is to share the transforming love and forgiveness of Jesus Christ to impact the hearts and lives of incarcerated men, women and youth, as well as their families,to become loving and productive citizens of their communities. Contact: Jim Daily
Men To Men (M2M)
M2M (Men to Men) helps UALC’s men fulfill their call from God to lead in their homes, church, and community. Weekly Bible studies in neighborhood groups, special training events and outreach.
Contact: Carl D'Onofrio
Lytham Road Sanctuary Choir
Provides anthems and vocal support for congregational singing at the Lytham Road campus. No audition necessary.
Choir Leader: Stephen Caracciolo
Lower Lights Christian Health Center (LLCHC)
LLCHC is a patient-centered medical home committed to delivering high-quality, affordable health care services to all no matter the income or insurance status. LLCHC ministers the love of Christ, focuses on whole-person wellness. Contact: Lower Lights Christian Health Center,
Kindway Prison Ministry
Kindway invests in the lives of those impacted by incarceration, particularly during the 12 months prior to and the 12 months following release from prison. Contact: Christine Money ;
Unreached People Group Training
This ministry reaches out to areas and people groups that have little if any possibility of hearing the Gospel. UALC supports leaders who train local believers to spread the Good News to unreached people groups. Contact Jonathan Nasby.
Revelation Wellness Faith and Fitness Group
Christ Centered fitness group combining the Word of God with a full body workout. Mondays, 9:30-10:45 am, at Mill Run. All fitness levels welcome! Ages 18 and up. No cost.
Contact: Michelle Neely
H20 Church at OSU
H2O is a local church, passionate about reaching students at the Ohio State University with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In addition, UALC supports the specific ministries of Mike Malone.
Cru - Jacob & Elizabeth Wershing
Reaching university students in the name of Jesus at Central Michigan and Saginaw Valley State to win them to Christ, build them in their relationship and community, and send them into the world as His laborers. Contact Jacob Wershing.
Pregnancy Decision Health Center (PDHC)
PDHC seeks to empower individuals to make healthy life choices consistent with the God-given intrinsic value of every human life. Contact: Anne Marie, 614-888-8774; Pregnancy Hotline 614-444-4411; UALC Contact: Susie Gaskill.
We have a table at the PDHC Gala dinner on Sept. 19, 7:00 pm, at the Villa Milano restaurant. The meal and entertainment are free. Donations will be accepted at the end of the evening if you wish to contribute. Contact Susie Gaskill.
Helping Hands Health & Wellness Center
The mission of the Helping Hands Health and Wellness Center is to be the caring hands of Jesus to provide medical care, health education, counseling and social services to those with needs. Helping Hands Health and Wellness Center is a community, faith based, free medical clinic that serves uninsured and underinsured adults whose income is at or below 400% of the federal poverty guidelines. 614-262-5094. Located at: 5100 Karl Road, Columbus, Ohio 43229.
Young Lives Clark County - Mandy (Crosser) Marous
Young Lives seeks to impact teen moms, and thereby shape generations with the love of Christ.
Lutheran World Relief (LWR)
Founded by Lutherans in the United States at the end of World War II, grounded in Lutheran theology and building on decades of experience, Lutheran World Relief tackles global poverty by helping people adapt to the challenges that threaten their livelihoods and well-being. “At Lutheran World Relief, we envision a future where all people, in every corner of the world can live full, dignified lives.” Web: www.lwr.og Contact: Jonathan Nasby
Handbell Choir
Leads beautiful instrumental music in worship and special events. Contact: Amy Turnbull.
North African Outreach
UALC supports a local Christian congregation that reaches ex-patriates living in the area. As North Africa is a stepping stone to Europe for African college students, many people from sub-Saharan Africa attending local universities have an opportunity to hear the Gospel. Contact Jonathan Nasby.
Lutheran Social Services (LSS) Food Pantries
Serving central Ohio by providing needed food to individuals and families. We collect grocery bags of non-perishable goods to distribute to hungry families. Fill up a bag or two and bring them to church.
Wycliffe Bible Translators (WBT) -- Stephen & Rachel Katterhenrich
The Katterhenrichs supervise the translation of the New Testament in the Bungu language in Tanzania. Contact Jonathan Nasby.
Athletes in Action – Rick & Karen Rogers
The Rogers are involved in the administration and discipling ministry of Athletes In Action, who dream of a day when there are Christ-followers on every team, in every sport, in every nation. Find information here.
Lutheran Bible Translators (LBT) – Nathan and Sarah Esala
The Esalas have completed the translation of the New Testament in Konkomba, a language of northern Ghana. Nathan has recently received his Ph.D. in linguistics. Sarah now serves as a regional director for numerous translation projects in several countries.
Telling people about Jesus through associating together for service, sharing personal testimony, and by providing Bibles and New Testaments. While we are often recognized for our work with hotels, we also place and distribute Scriptures in strategic locations so they are available to those who want them, as well as to those who may not know they need them. Follow the Gideons Intl. Blog here.
Contact: Jim Harrass
The Refuge
The mission of The Refuge is to change the lives of men and women affected by addiction through Christ. Our goal is to take men and women from active addiction to becoming responsible men and women of God, who go on to serve as lights to their families and communities. Contact: Rebekah Linton, Outreach Director,
ReNew Partnerships - Chad Brennan
ReNew Partnerships facilitates a collaborative effort by hundreds of Christians across the U.S., working together to help the Body of Christ make progress toward biblical, racial justice and unity. Contact: Chad and Laurie Brennan ,
Samaritan’s Purse
Samaritan’s Purse is a nondenominational evangelical Christian organization providing spiritual and physical aid to hurting people around the world. Since 1970, Samaritan’s Purse has helped meet needs of people who are victims of war, poverty, natural disasters, disease, and famine with the purpose of sharing God’s love through His Son, Jesus Christ. The organization serves the Church worldwide to promote the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. Web: Contact: Jonathan Nasby
UALC Tae Kwon Do Jrs
An introductory martial arts class of basic kicks and punches for kids ages 5-7. Includes games, Bible stories, large motor exercises and repetition with emphasis on first-time obedience, perseverance and self-improvement.
Meets at The Refinery Church, 3915 Dublin Rd, Columbus, OH from 5:45-6:30 pm on Monday and Wednesday (beginning in Sept), during the school year. Cost is $25 per month and can be paid online. Registration coming soon for 2024-25 year.
Questions? Contact Angie Edmonds
Kairos Torch Prison Ministry
Kairos Torch shares the mission of Kairos Prison Ministry in reaching specifically the youngest inmates among the incarcerated. Contact: Jim Daily,
Kids Connect
Elementary-age kids get together for a fun evening with dinner, games and activities, and tons of fun with peers and UALC ministry leaders.
Second Mondays of the month, 6:00-7:30 pm at Mill Run Campus. Cost: $10/night. Find details and registration at
Contact: Tonya Riedel
UALC Sermons (Mill Run Campus)
UALC Sermons (Lytham Road Campus)
Re-watch and share Sunday sermons from our Lytham Road Campus.
Friendship Bible Class
This class is for individuals who are differently-abled. There are opportunities for fellowship, worship, and Bible study.
Class meets Wednesdays, 6:00-7:30 pm, at the Mill Run Campus. Participants are encouraged to bring a provider or caregiver. Learn more.
Contact: Tonya Riedel, In HIS Image Director
United World Missions (UWM) - Callie (Wulf) Fulton
Callie helps recruit and train new missionaries for service in multiple countries. The United World Missions has a three-fold goal: equipping leaders, establishing churches, and engaging in holistic mission for the glory of Jesus Christ. Contact Callie Fulton, United World Mission;
Young Life
Young Life is a mission devoted to introducing adolescents to Jesus Christ and helping them grow in their faith. In addition, UALC supports the ministry of Olivia (Horner) Parsons in Pittsburgh and the work of YL in the city of Columbus.
UALC Tae Kwon Do
Develop self-defense skills and enjoy regular exercise within a Christian environment. Meets Mondays and Wednesdays, 6:00 pm at The Refinery Church, 3915 Dublin Rd, Columbus; Saturdays, 10:00 am at our Mill Run Campus.
For students and adults eight years and older. All are welcome. Cost is $25 per month and can be paid online. In addition, there is a testing fee of $25 per test which is paid at the time of testing.
Register here for class. Make a monthly payment here (due the first of the month). Visit our TKD website for more information. Contact: Angie Edmonds
Soup-er Bowl Sunday - Lutheran Social Services (LSS)
What does offering have to do with the Super Bowl? We typically collect soup donations in February for the "soup-er bowl"... 20% of your offering supports mission partners locally and around the world. As a congregation, we contribute money from the UALC mission fund to support the efforts of Lutheran Social Services. They have the ability to greatly increase the buying power of this financial donation and purchase more food. This is just one small example of how your offering multiplies to support critical work in our community and around the world. Non-perishable donations are collected in the wooden bins at both campuses.
In His Image - Disability & Inclusion Ministry
We believe very individual, whether able-bodied or differently-abled, is embraced with warmth and recognized as a vital part of God's family. We support and equip differently-abled members to participate in church activities, from worship, service opportunities, and Bible studies. Learn more here.
Contact: Tonya Riedel