Lytham Road Community is worshiping at Windermere Elementary through March 23. Follow the schedule here.
Current Announcements
What's coming up?

Sermon Series: The Gospel of Luke
Through Easter
The Christian Bible includes four books we call Gospels, four good news testimonies to the life and teaching of Jesus. No two are identical and all four work together under the inspiration of the Spirit to help us see Jesus more fully and learn to follow him faithfully in the way of life.
On Sunday mornings we will read, learn, and worship our way through the Gospel of Luke. In Luke’s story of Jesus, we will see God’s promises fulfilled, Jesus’ life described, his teaching conveyed, and the Spirit given. These stories and words of Jesus promise us eternal hope and wise direction for our lives.
In-person services at 9:00 and 11:00 am. Or online beginning at 9:00 am at ualc.org/worship.
Lytham Road Worship
During the Lytham Road Campus renovations, we are mainly worshiping at Windermere Elementary School.
IMPORTANT: All services are at the Mill Run Campus on February 2 & 9, and March 30 (when Windermere is unavailable).
Learn more about the schedule and the next steps here.

Facebook Community
Join a campus-specific Facebook group to connect with others within your campus community.
Ministry Cancellations
In the event of inclement weather, our buildings and ministries have policies for cancelling events. Click below for details or to submit an online cancellation. Updates will be reflected on the UALC Calendar.
Mission Engagement
20% of all financial giving collected at UALC goes immediately to serve mission partners locally, and around the world. Click below to learn more about who we support and additional ways to engage with missions and service at UALC.
New Member Class
Joining the UALC Family and Mission
UALC is a dynamic family always welcoming new people. Our New Member Class is built for those who want to learn more about UALC, meet people, and join our community in following Jesus together.