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High School

Significant questions demand attention in this phase where each grade moves students toward greater maturity and responsibility. Is this my faith or someone else's? How can I matter and what will I do with my life? It's an exciting time in life where so much is possible!

We welcome high schoolers into a community of believers who are committed to putting faith into action. 

HSM Sunday Night

9th–12th Graders

5:00-7:30 pm

Every Sunday night is an awesome time of fun, friends, food, and learning more about God's love and our relationship with him. Dinner is included each week. New students are always welcome.


Meets at the Mill Run Campus during the school year. 

Questions? Contact Steve Almquist for information.

What's Coming Up?

Super Bowl Party

Sunday, February 9, 6:00-10:30 pm

Mill Run Campus


Contact: Steve Almquist​

Winter Wave at Beulah Beach

February 14-16

Join us for the 2025 Winter Retreat this year happening in Vermillion, Ohio with Beulah Beach Camp. We will be joining this camp for their annual Winter Wave Retreat. Fun with friends, meeting new friends, dance parties (you don’t have to dance, but you’ll want to), worship and learning more about the Spiritual Armor God has given us. We will be staying at a hotel in the nearby town of Huron, Ohio but all events will take place at the camp. We will also be going to Kalahari Water Park on Saturday night. Cost is $125.

Register here. Contact: Steve Almquist​

Honduras Mission Trip

June 5-11

This summer is an incredible opportunity for students to go to Honduras and serve internationally alongside our longtime ministry partner Heart to Honduras. While in Honduras, we will have the opportunity to serve alongside our partner Community in Caliche as well as serving at the sports camp, Campamento Extremo Internacional, and through all of these things our heart is to be available for how God wants to use us while building new friendships with people in Honduras.

Register here. Contact: Steve Almquist​

Teen Connect

Sunday Mornings

Teens (grades 6-12) hang out with leaders and each other, every Sunday morning after each service. Free donuts!

Questions? Contact Steve Almquist


We believe that a key step in a student’s long-term faith formation is to connect with the larger congregation by attending, or streaming, worship services with their families. Teens can also volunteer to serve at our worship services in several ways. Make sure to also check out the "Teen Connect" areas at both campuses. 

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For more information

Contact Steve Almquist, High School Ministry Director, for questions about anything related to our high school programming.

High School Contact
HSM Search
Next Gen (Youth) Ministries

Children and teens age 3 through high school can find age appropriate resources and connection points. Click here for more information

Prayer Requests

Need prayer or want to join us in prayer? We pray for those who desire prayer for any need. Find details. Contact: Becki Bork.

Baptism Class

We offer the sacrament to members and non-members, children and adults alike. If you are parents of a young child, you'll first attend a Baptism Class (attendance is required for the first child only). Classes are offered in-person on the second Sunday of every month, 1:00-2:00 pm or by appointment. Parents will hear UALC’s strategy for partnering with families throughout all the phases from birth to college. Adults who've never been baptized but have put their faith in Jesus can contact one of our pastors to talk about being baptized. Find details and register here. After completing registration, Pastor Joe (Lytham Road) or Pastor David (Mill Run) will be in touch.

Learn more about education opportunities here.

Contacts: Joe Valentino or David White, or call 614-451-3736.


Festa seeks to end poverty through life-changing relationships with neighbors and God, focusing principally on the poor living in the suburbs. Learn More

Worship Volunteers

Many volunteers are needed to help make our Sunday Gatherings possible each week. Click here to find volunteer opportunities. 

Contact Jonathan Nasby if you are interested in taking the next step to find a place to serve.

High School (HSM) Sunday Night

Join other teens in a discipling community, where we check in on each other, study the Bible, pray, and serve others together. Meets on Sundays, 5:00-7:30 pm, at the Mill Run Campus, during the school year. For information and to get plugged in, contact Steve Almquist.

Confirmation (9th-12th Graders)

9th-12th graders and parents (1st session with parents):

UALC celebrates this important season where students begin the adult life of following Jesus. Delve deeper into the foundations of the Christian faith and learn practical ways to be a daily follower of Jesus. Please attend at least one retreat or camp and one mission trip prior to Confirmation. Contact: Steve Almquist

Teen Connect

A dedicated space for teens at both campuses, to connect after each Sunday service. There are free donuts and hanging-out time with other teens and youth leaders. Contact Kelsey Bacon.

UALC Mobile App

Find all kinds of resources on our app, including links to our Daily Worship Blog, sermon discussion questions, and online giving just to name a few. Click here to download app

Vacation Bible School (VBS)

VBS has a long standing tradition at our church and within our communities. Children learn Bible stories, sing favorite VBS songs, play games, and create art projects. 

Click here for more information. Contact Melissa Davis

UALC Community Garden

The Community Garden at Mill Run supplies 15,000 lbs of fresh produce for individuals and families in Hilliard and surrounding areas. For vegetables, or to help in the garden (full families welcome), contact our garden stewards with any questions. Come on out on Saturday mornings, we have all the tools you'll need, (early spring-late fall). 

Contact: Todd Marti, or Irma Chon

Volunteer - Video & Production Teams

We're looking for volunteers to help on Sundays with our video production. Training provided, please reach out to Alex Bacon

Facebook Community Groups

Join a campus-specific Facebook group to connect with others within your campus community. Campus Pastors David White and Joe Valentino lead the groups. Join the Mill Run Community Group here. Join the Lytham Road Community Group here.

UALC Library

UALC has a library at each campus filled with engaging, faith-based resources! Convenient self-checkout system and an online catalog! Bibles, Books, DVDs, and audio resources for all ages. 

Click Here to access the online library card catalog

How Do I Check Out an Item?
We use a self-checkout procedure — directions are posted on the desks. Please return items promptly so we can continue to circulate the excellent resources that God has provided. If you need to keep materials longer, please let us know. Locked DVD display cases are located near the receptionist's desk and may be accessed when a receptionist is on duty.

• Books and music circulate for one month.
• DVDs should be returned next Sunday.

• Return items to either building.

Need Help? Contact UALC library

Mission and Seminarian Financial Support

UALC provides financial support for seminarians and the mission work of both individuals and agencies. Our Missions Committees are responsible for the screening process that qualifies this funding. Please click here for additional information. 

UALC Ministry Teams

Because we believe that everyone has gifts from God for ministry, various ministry teams are formed to carry out community outreach through youth and adults. To learn about serving on a ministry team, contact Jonathan Nasby.

Family Camp at Cedar Bay

Located in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, just 45 minutes from the Mackinac Bridge. This 30-year UALC tradition gathers more than 100 members and their friends.  Accommodations include camping to lodges ranging from single-family units to ten-bedroom lodges. With 500 acres and six miles of beautiful Lake Huron shoreline, Cedar Bay provides lots of recreation including sailing, swimming, hiking and fun for all ages. Each day has opportunities for growth and refreshment as we grow together in Christ. The camp is located in Cedarville, find the map here.

Cost dependent on lodging choice. Find details here.

Contact: Pastor David White

Worship Team

Share God-given musical talents for events or worship. Consider serving on either Kids’ Church or adult Sunday worship teams Contact: Aaron Thompson

Handbell Choir

Leads beautiful instrumental music in worship and special events. Contact: Amy Turnbull.

UALC Tae Kwon Do

Develop self-defense skills and enjoy regular exercise within a Christian environment. Meets Mondays and Wednesdays, 6:00 pm at The Refinery Church, 3915 Dublin Rd, Columbus; Saturdays, 10:00 am at our Mill Run Campus. 

For students and adults eight years and older. All are welcome. Cost is $25 per month and can be paid online. In addition, there is a testing fee of $25 per test which is paid at the time of testing.

Register here for class. Make a monthly payment here (due the first of the month). Visit our TKD website for more information. Contact: Angie Edmonds

Costumes and Scenery

UALC has the need for many costumes and props that are used in dramas, VBS, and musical programs throughout the year. Contact: Angie Gilliam.

Visual Arts

Celebrate creativity in its many visual forms: painting, photography, drawing, textiles, sculpture, collage and more. Our group presents the art of local artists through shows and displays at our campuses. Contact: Bob or Norma Bruce.

Upcomoing art exhibits at the Mill Run Gallery curated by UALC/Visual Arts Ministry and exhibition dates:

November 6 - December 30, 2024, Central Ohio Watercolor Society, 65 piece exhibit

January 8 - February 13, 2025, Railroad photography by Dr. Fred Ripley, 50 piece exhibit


April 2 - May 5, 2025, Ohio Pastel Art League, 50 – 75 piece exhibit

Watch for more details on these additional exhibits coming in 2025 - UALC Quilt Ministry, and Central Ohio Plein Air Society

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