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Our Vision for Education

Disciples of Jesus at UALC grow in their Biblical literacy and engagement, learning how to read, apply, and trust the words of Scripture. We learn together the hope of the Gospel, the role of God’s law, the meaning of the cross, and the role of the Church. 

Education Hour
Adult Education Hour

Mill Run

Sunday Afternoon Education Hour:
Wells of Truth: The Bible

Sundays 5:00–6:30pm | January 12–February 16

​Teacher: Steve Turnbull​


An education series designed to help you understand the Bible. What is it? How did it get to us? What about its controversial content? Then, for the rest of the series you’ll learn techniques for approaching and reading the Bible itself. 


This new video series was written here at UALC.​

(Nursery care is available. Please register.)

Next Step Classes at UALC

Delve deep into the Bible and learn from God's Word with teaching and discussion.

Baptism Class

Second Sundays, 1:00-2:00 pm

We offer the sacrament to members and non-members, children and adults alike. Classes are offered in-person on the second Sunday of every month, 1:00-2:00 pm or by appointment. Parents will hear UALC’s strategy for partnering with families throughout all the phases from birth to college.

New Member Class

March 2 & 9, 2025; 3:30-5:00 pm Mill Run Campus

The New Member Class is made for those who want to learn more about UALC, meet people, and find out more about joining our community in following Jesus together. Led by our Senior Pastor, campus pastors, and staff, it’s the best way to get connected and understand how we are living out our mission and vision. 

Next Step Classes

Adult Sunday School

Delve deep into the Bible and learn from God's Word with teaching and discussion.

Lytham Road Campus

10:15–11:00 am

Meets at Windermere Elementary School cafeteria, 4101 Windermere Rd,
Upper Arlington, during renovations  (we no longer have a Zoom option).

Mill Run Campus

9:30–10:30 am

Meets on the upper floor of the Mill Run Campus. Bring a Bible and enjoy a lively discussion.

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Thursday Morning Bible Study

Join an in-depth Bible study on various topics led by Pastor Joe and other teachers. Thursdays at 10:30 am, at the Mill Run Campus. Bring a Bible and be ready for a lively discussion. Contact Joe Valentino for information. 

Education Hour Course Offerings Fall 2024

Sunday Education Hour - Wells of Truth: The Bible

Mill Run
Sundays January 12 – February 16, 5:00-6:30 pm

Teacher: Steve Turnbull

An education series designed to help you understand the Bible. What is it? How did it get to us? What about its controversial content? Then, for the rest of the series you’ll learn techniques for approaching and reading the Bible itself.

This new video series was written here at UALC.

Sunday Education Hour - New Member Class

Mill Run
Sundays March 2 & 9, 2025, 3:30-5:00 pm

Teachers: New Member Team

Depolarized Class
Previous Class Recordings & Notes:

Depolarized Class (4-sessions)

Our society is stuck in a toxic cul-de-sac of political polarization and can’t seem to find its way out. But the Gospel of Jesus can get us unstuck and reform us for healthier engagement for the good of our neighbors – and the good of our Christian witness. In these resources, we explore how the Gospel can move us from political arrogance to humility, from partisanship to partnership, and from fear to hope.


For more information

Contact Austin Bruns, Education Associate, for any additional information regarding our education offerings.

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