Kids Church Hospitality Team
Kids’ Church is one of our most valued Sunday morning ministries at UALC. We strive to create a warm, welcoming, and fun environment where students feel like they belong. We desire to engage students with each other and with the Gospel every Sunday, so that they have a strong community of fellow believers their own age, and they have confidence in their faith and who God is. Kids’ Church happens most every Sunday at both Mill Run and Lytham during the school year.
Desired Skills
We are looking for people who feel comfortable greeting new families, especially welcoming young children on Sunday mornings at UALC. If you love connecting new visitors to our kids ministry, this role is for you!
Time Commitment
Hospitality volunteers are expected to arrive 20 minutes before the start of the church service. They will serve 10-15 minutes after the service starts to check in any late families.