Sanctuary Choir Member
The Sanctuary Choir ministry sings music to offer glory to God, proclaim the Gospel, and lead the congregation in its corporate prayer and praise. Singers who join the choral ministry find a friendly and faith-building place to serve within the congregation. We work hard and have a lot of fun at the same time!
Desired Skills
Sanctuary Choir members have typically sung in a choir and are familiar with reading music. At weekly rehearsals, the director develops choir members’ singing, music-reading, and communicative skills. If you like to sing music in harmony and are searching for a way to treasure God’s Word in your heart while doing ministry, then you are a good fit for this choir and should contact Dr. Stephen Caracciolo, a professional choral conductor with strong Christian roots.
Time Commitment
Rehearsals are Wednesday's 7-8:30pm, September – May, and includes a time of devotion led by our own members! The choir warms up at 8:25am on Sundays to sing at the 9am service. In addition, the choir joins with all the UALC musicians for special projects at Christmas and other times. One can sing with the choir and attend or sing the 11am services at Lytham Rd or Mill Run. Music is practiced four weeks in advance, allowing singers to make the commitment to sing most weeks while still planning occasional blocks of time away to enjoy travel and family events!