Lytham Road Community is worshiping at Windermere Elementary through March 23. Follow the schedule here.

High School Ministry Events Team
As part of the HSM Events Team, you are helping to put on big, fun, engaging events that help students form relationships, that make HSM feel like home. You will have the opportunity to attend the majority of the HSM events during one calendar year, help with set up and clean up for events. We truly love to see relationships being built with kids as you talk with them and have fun with them.
Desired Skills
We are looking for people who are passionate about Jesus and want to see teenagers encounter the Gospel. Patience and flexibility go a long way in this volunteer role! We want you to have fun while you engage with the students in exciting ways.
Time Commitment
Events Team volunteers are expected to attend majority of the High School Ministry events in one calendar year. This includes monthly community events and summer events. Time frame for each event varies widely.