Rich in Every Way
by Ken Dillman
Renowned theologian, Henry Blackaby once wrote, God is always at work in our world, we need to see where He is working and join him in the work.
In 2 Corinthians 9:1-12, the apostle Paul knew that God was at work in the church in Jerusalem; the church was experiencing persecution and poverty and needed help. Paul enlisted the help of the church in Corinth to ease the financial burden of the believers in Jerusalem.
It can be easy and comfortable for followers of Jesus to give out of our excess; it’s much more challenging for us to give sacrificially, when there may not be an excess. Though Paul writes in the context of money, when he says, “whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully,” he also reinforces that God enriches believers “in every way to be generous in every way.”
Throughout the Bible we read of God’s concern and care for the poor (Ps. 112:9). Being poor has many forms: financial, spiritual, emotional, relational, physical, and more.
My granddaughter, Laney was born a month prematurely; delivery was difficult on both my daughter-in-law and Laney, and both had health issues for nearly a year after. But God was at work. My son and daughter-in-law were poor that first year—they were emotionally and physically poor. I spent several days each week at my son’s house, caring for Laney, just so mom and dad could rest and sleep. Often, we want to limit our understanding of “sowing” to simply providing financially for others, rather than understanding that the work God is doing might not have a financial component to it.
A greater vista of seeing God at work and joining him may lie before us if we’re open to the idea that being poor isn’t always financial. Caring for a newborn was exhausting and challenging, yet the bountiful sowing resulted in a bountiful reaping that I never imagined, Laney and I have an incredible bond of love…all because God was at work, and I joined him in that work.

The apostle Paul writes that God loves a cheerful giver; we may, or may not have the resources to give financially, but we all have the resources to give in other ways that results in thanksgiving and glory to God.
Dear Jesus,
Through your Holy Spirit, would you keep us sensitive to what you are doing in the world around us. Show us where you are working and how we can join you in the work. Help us to sow bountifully in all things, that a rich reward of thanksgiving and glory would be to God. Amen.

Ken, thank you for bringing to us that giving can involve more than finances. You gave of your time which benefitted not only Laney, but her parents as well. A financial price cannot be put on what you gave. And the best part, is that the repercussions of what you gave have a long lasting implication for all of you. What a blessing!
I love this Ken. Thank you for sharing like this. Your words on this scripture have given me a new perspective.