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Daily Worship

MAY 18 | 1 Timothy 2:1-7

Judy Webb





Trusted Prayer Partners

by Judy Webb

“I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people. Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf and give thanks for we can live peaceful and quiet lives...” (1 Timothy 2:1 NLT)

The first time someone asked if they could pray for me, I was stunned. That had never happened to me before and I didn’t know what to say or how to act. I was facing surgery, and that too was new for me. This woman took my hands in hers and began to call upon God for my healing. She prayed for the surgeon also and then she closed with praise to God for all that He was going to do for me. "And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well." (James 5:15) To say I was speechless would be understating the facts. If I were honest, I would have to admit that her prayers unsettled me a little. They made me think that things were more serious than I thought. But you know what? On the other side of this situation, I can see that she wanted me to be safe and if I wasn't going to be healed, she wanted me to be safe in the Savior's Arms. That was a friend indeed. Early in my faith walk - before this encounter - I was given a book written by Evelyn Christenson titled, "What Happens When Women Pray." I read that book, cover to cover, and was enthralled by the stories of prayer. God had a plan for me which included this gift, this powerful gift of prayer. I have many stories to share about prayer and the way God developed it in me.

My desire for prayer is the very thing that brought my two prayer partners into my life 19 years ago. This is a relationship which began with an invitation and evolved over time to be three women caring for one another in many life-changing situations. The trust that has been born from this relationship will last forever. We often share with one another the Hope we have because of Jesus and how our relationship bridges the years and covers the milestones in each of our lives. What a gift prayer is everyday day.


Dear Jesus, teach me more about the value of prayer. Help me to go to you with my prayers and expect that you hear me and will respond. Prayer is a worshipful experience and one we can participate in every day.

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