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Daily Worship

December 22 | Ezekiel 34:11-16

Judy Webb





Pulled from the Edge

by Judy Webb

"I will search for the lost and bring back the strays. I will bind up the injured and strengthen the weak, but the sleek and the strong I will destroy. I will shepherd the flock with justice." (Ezekiel 34:16)

Ezekiel was supposed to be a priest, but he was one of the “elites” taken into captivity by the Babylonians during the reign of King Jehoiachin, and never got the chance to serve in his priestly office.

This prophet is described as a watchman who looks for coming trouble and warns the people. Ezekiel warned of danger ahead if the people kept going in the direction they were headed. It is like there was a cliff just off in the distance and if the people didn't change course soon, they would tumble right over the edge.

Do you ever feel like life has you poised on the edge of a precipice and your next move could determine the rest of your life? Do you wonder how you arrived at this place and struggle to turn it all around? You are not alone. At some time in our lives, we all fear what lies ahead for us, we want to know what tomorrow will bring. But it isn’t for us to know the future but to just keep moving forward.

When we are lost, the Good Shepherd will continue His search for us. He will hunt us down when we ask Him to. When we are unable to find our own way, when we are off course, He will make right the path for all of us who stray. Who among us hasn’t drifted off at one time or another? He wants to unite us to Him once again, or maybe for the first time. He is waiting to usher us onto the path which leads to Him.


As Christmas Day approaches, we are reminded again that our Savior is ready and willing to gather us into His arms, to grab us from the edge of that cliff and set us on firm ground right next to Him. He will face us toward the light and illuminate our path.

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