by Kim Starr

In two days, we will celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. How are you feeling? Are you stressed out with all of the tasks you must complete in the next few days? Are you giddy with anticipation waiting for the day to arrive? Whatever state you are in, take a moment to pause, breathe deeply and smile.
How does today’s passage make you feel? It made me feel exuberant. I am in awe that David, many, many years before Jesus was born, could write a Psalm that glorified God in such a marvelous way. Nearly all the verses of Psalm 96 are also found in 1 Chronicles 16:8-36, which was also written by David at the time the Ark of the Covenant was brought into Jerusalem. That was such a joyful time when all the people proclaimed, “Amen!” and “Praise the Lord!”
What does this Psalm ask us to do?
· Name a quality that belongs to God. Besides glory and strength, which the Psalm states, what other attributes can you name to describe God?
· Bring an offering and come into His courts. Have you given your tithe to the Lord? You still have an opportunity to do so by presenting an offering at UALC by December 31st.
· Come to church, worship the Lord and tremble before God. Numerous opportunities are available at UALC to do this in the next two days, not to mention the jazz concert and service on New Year’s Eve. See https://www.ualc.org/christmas.
· Proclaim to the nations that the Lord is King. During this advent season, have you told anyone about Jesus? Have you shared the good news? You still have an opportunity to invite someone to come to church with you and celebrate the birth of Jesus.
The Psalm also says that God will judge the earth and set the order of life so that strength and beauty flourish. Even though judgment is coming, the heavens rejoice, the earth is glad, the fields are jubilant, the trees sing, and all of creation rejoices because Jesus is coming. We know that God will judge us when he comes again; however, we do not need to fear His judgement if we believe in Him.
Lord, we rejoice and thank God for sending Jesus to the earth to save us from our sins. Please help us to proclaim to all the earth this magnificent and monumental thing you have done. Help us to be jubilant and to praise you all our days. Amen. Come Lord Jesus.
