In the quiet moments of Advent, as the world anticipates the joyous celebration of Christ’s birth, we at UALC open our doors and hearts to you and your loved ones. Join us in a heartfelt celebration filled with music, prayer, and community as we anticipate the miraculous birth of Christ. Let’s embrace the blessings of this holy season together.
See the full schedule below!
Come celebrate the good news of great joy with us! At UALC, we open our doors and hearts to you and your loved ones on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day with music, prayer, and community.
Christmas Eve Services
December 24 · Mill Run Campus
Note: All services are at the Mill Run Campus because of construction at the Lytham Road Campus
11:00 am (Traditional with Communion)​​
2:00 pm* (Modern with Carol Choir)
4:00 pm* (Modern)
5:30 pm (Modern)
7:30 pm** (Modern)
9:00 pm** (Traditional with Communion, & Choir)
10:30 pm (Traditional with Communion)
*Nursery Available **Livestream Available
Christmas Morning Service
December 25 · Mill Run Campus
10:00 am (Traditional Worship with Communion)
New Year's Eve Service
New Year's Eve Jazz Service
Ring in the new year by joining us for an eclectic jazz concert with some of Columbus' foremost swinging cats! A jazzy worship service will follow, to pray for God's direction and ask his blessing on this new year.
December 31 ∙ Mill Run Campus
5:30 pm ∙ Jazz Concert
6:00 pm ∙ Jazz Worship with Communion