by Jennifer Jerrome
Verse seven of today’s scripture says, For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and his bride has made herself ready.
The church as bride is mentioned several times throughout the New Testament.
I must admit the idea of marrying Christ has always felt a little strange to me, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized that’s very much what my relationship with Christ is – a marriage. Why wouldn’t I want to have a deep connection with the One who’s been there from the very start and to whom the words, “Till death do us part” do not pertain.
The most intimate of relationships is what God desires for and from us.
I remember the excitement I felt when my husband and I started dating. Sometimes I miss that feeling of getting to know someone, but it’s fun to see others experience it. And how special is it to witness someone getting to know Christ for the first time?!
Jesus doesn't need to get to know me because He knows me better than I know myself, but there’s still a lot of learning to do on my end. And like my earthly marriage, I’m continually renewing my commitment to stick it out for the long haul.
As my husband and I continue to navigate our way through this life, I’ve actually become grateful that there’s someone else in this marriage, helping us learn and grow together. I’m so glad I said, “I do!”
Let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory!
Lord, thank you for inviting us into a relationship with you. We will forever be blessed by your love. May we continue to partner with you and grow more and more into those you delight in. Amen
I agree with David. This was a great analogy and one I am still pondering. Thank you.
I appreciated your comparison of our earthly marriage to the Heavenly marriage to Christ. Keep up the good work.