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Daily Worship

Elaine Pierce

September 8 | Joshua 1:7-9 |






Advice Worth Following

by Elaine Pierce

My husband remembers his parents often telling he and his siblings "don't burn down the house" when they were old enough to be home alone, and he passed on this 'wisdom' to our children. (Yes, eye rolls were often the response.) As far as I can tell, no houses have burned down as a result, so perhaps this advice was helpful.....however, I'm pretty sure that burning down the house was not the primary concern of his parents, but it was an effective way to remind their children to be careful and sensible while they were gone.

In today's passage, the Lord is giving Joshua advice. Moses has just died, and Joshua will be leading the Israelites to the Promised Land. Moses, though flawed, like all leaders, is nevertheless a hard act to follow. What will the Lord tell Joshua to do? What is important for Joshua to be a successful leader? God's words are direct, they are simple, but they are profound and they carry deep meaning for Joshua and for those of us who follow Jesus today:

“Be strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey all the law my servant Moses gave you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go." Joshua 1:7

Be strong. Be courageous. Obey the law - the holy word of God.

How do we become strong and courageous? By practice, practice, practice. In verse 5, the Lord tells Joshua that he will never leave him or forsake him. The more we trust in the Lord, the more we see him work in our lives and in the lives of our church family, the easier it is to be strong and courageous. And the Bible is filled with examples of Jesus followers who, despite the odds, were strong and courageous. See Hebrews 11 for lots of good stories.

God's advice is always worth taking. Take time each day this week to search the scriptures and follow this advice that the Psalmist reminds us to take:

"Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path." (Psalm 119:110)


Lord, I want to be strong and courageous, but so often I end up in the corner, quaking in my boots, afraid to share the Good News. I don't want to offend anyone....I want the timing to be perfect.....I let the moment pass. You have given me gifts and a mission. Help me to shine your light, day by day, as I spend time with you in prayer and in the word. Forgive me when I fail, and thank you for the gift of life eternal. Amen.

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