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Daily Worship

SEPTEMBER 3 | 1 Chronicles 29:14-18

David Thompson






A Cheerful Giver

by David Thompson


Have you ever been lead by a great leader? One who sent shivers down your spine by his simple presence? For this passage that leader was King David. King David was going to build a temple for the Lord God. He had always wanted to do this, but he didn't have the means. So he went to his people and asked pointedly to have them donate. As the story goes the people did so willingly. The help files on this donation stated that the donation amounted to not just pounds of gold, but tons of gold; 190 tons to be exact. Then they gave silver; 1000 tons of that. They also gave many tons of bronze, iron and precious stones. They responded to the leaders of the 12 tribes of Israel, who responded to King David.

A good giving attitude can be seen throughout today's passage. Verse 14 reads, "But who am I, and who are my people, that we should be able to give as generously as this? Everything comes from you and we have given you only what comes from your hand." What is it that they are saying? The Lord provides everything we have gotten from our work, our parents' wills and good investments. What should our attitudes be?

It reminds me of a story that happened a few times during my wife's and my attendance at a rather small country church. The church was having issues making the mortgage and expenses that needed to be paid, so they came up with the idea of a series of 90-10% tithing weeks. The concept on paper was simple. Each family would tithe 90% of their income and keep 10%. I must admit, at first the action plan seemed scary. We were to go to others' houses and eat with them and then open our house to others. You had all of your own bills and living expenses and yet this was going to be the expectation. If I remember correctly we only needed to do this twice and all of the church's needs were up to date. I remember how much fun it was to eat with others and discuss the process. At the end of the two 90-10% weeks, I remember that all of my bills were paid and I still put some money in the bank. God is faithful. Are you a fretful or cheerful giver?


Dear God, I don't know what I would have thought if I were back in 975 BC about giving much of what I had. I know that there have been times that I questioned "Is the tithe off of the net or gross of my wages." I was trying to live up to the letter of the expectation, but my heart was not where these people's were. Thank you for showing me the 90-10% weeks and how you provided even in scarcity. You are faithful, let me be as faithful to You. Amen.

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