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Daily Worship

September 28 | Genesis 17:1-14

Judy Webb





Hit the Road

by Judy Webb

"When Abram was ninety-nine years old, the Lord appeared to him and said, 'I am God Almighty; walk before me faithfully and be blameless.'" (Genesis 17:1)

My first thought upon reading these words is, how could I possibly do this? I know that I am sinful, and try as I might, I struggle to be good, to do the things I know I should do. But then I see that Abram was ninety-nine years old and even more goes through my mind. I too often consider myself past the age usefulness. I always dreamt of becoming a writer but by the time I retired I felt I was too old. How about you? Have you allowed your age, your life-stage, your education level, hold back your dreams from becoming reality?

“By faith, Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going.” (Hebrews 11:8)

I understand now, that if Abraham knew where God was asking him to go, and what he would encounter there, it would not have taken a lot of faith to obey. So, what about you and me? How much faith do we have when we sense God calling us outside our comfort zone? How willing are we to take that step of faith and follow where His Word leads us?

What is God asking of you this day? I have learned not to lean on the crutch of “I’m too old," or “I am not educated enough," “what will people think?" I am asking you right now, just as I ask myself. What are the dreams God has placed on your heart that have not been pursued? Do these dreams follow God’s Word and will for you/us? Are we ready to respond as Abraham did and pack up and hit the proverbial road?


Dear Jesus, Open my eyes to your will and to your promises. Help me to recognize when you are encouraging me to step up to the plate and when you are telling me to wait. Wait and pray, then move forward. Amen

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Stacy Schad
Sep 28, 2022

Sometimes the path we are called to follow in faith is hard and filled with treatments...but God promised Abram in ch 15 to be his shield. And He is with us.

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