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Daily Worship

September 22 | Genesis 12:1-9 |

Elaine Pierce






God's Choice, Not Mine

by Elaine Pierce

Why did God choose Abram? Was it because of his godly character? Did he 'earn' the right to be the Father of a new nation, the chosen people? We know almost nothing about him before Genesis 12. HIs father was a nomad, Terah, who had 3 sons: Abram, Nahor and Haran. We also learn that he was - gulp - 75 years old when God gave him his assignment to leave his home and 'go to the land I will show you. (v. 1).'

Abram (who God later renames Abraham) obeyed God: 'So Abram left, as the Lord had told him (v. 4).' If you read on in Genesis, you will learn that Abraham didn't always obey God, and his sin caused a lot of grief to him, his wife, and those around him. He was imperfect, just like us, but he is included in the 'Hall of Faith' chapter in Hebrews 11:

By faith, Abraham, even though he was past age - and Sarah, herself was barren - was enabled to become a father because he considered him faithful who had made the promise. And so from this one man, and he as good as dead, came descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and as countless as the sand on the seashore. Hebrews 11:11-12.

No, Abram didn't earn God's favor. God chooses, and we respond. We don't sit down with our resume and interview for the position we think we deserve. God has given each of us gifts to bless others and advance his kingdom. He will not force us to use them for good. But when we come to him, acknowledge that his is the creator and we are the creation, he will use us for his glory.

Take time today, and every day, to ask God to show you how you can serve him. He will direct your path. Thanks be to God!


Thank you, Lord, that you love me and have a plan for my life - a plan that I so often fail to see, as I am caught up in what I think is best. Help me to put my life in your hands, and to follow you, day by day, hour by hour, for it's only when I am listening to you that I am truly able to serve and obey. Amen.

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