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Daily Worship


Judy Webb






Read Until You Worship

by Judy Webb


The title for this site is called Daily Worship, and there is a reason for that. Daily Worship happens when we open God’s Word and read. Read until you worship. Every book in God’s Word provides space and inspiration to worship Him. For instance, take today’s scripture reading from Genesis 4:1-16. This is the story of worship: one man’s acceptable worship and another’s unacceptable worship.

“Then the Lord said to Cain, why are you angry? Why is your face downcast? If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must rule over it.” (Genesis 4:6-7)

So, what’s the difference? Abel had a good heart, he was generous and thankful for all God had given him, so he gave back to God from his best. Cain’s offering was just the opposite. How can we know if our worship is pleasing to God or not? It seems these two offerings reflected the heart. Abel’s offering, made in faith, was from a pure desire to worship God in Spirit and Truth.

Cain’s offering was the opposite. We don’t know exactly what his issue was, but study reveals that pride played a role in the entire scenario. When Cain understood that his offering was not acceptable he became angry and violent. This anger, rooted in pride was Cain's undoing. In verse 9, God gave Cain the chance to repent and confess.

Then the LORD said to Cain, “Where is your brother Abel?”

“I don’t know,” he replied. “Am I my brother’s keeper?”

This story of Cain and Abel teaches us a valuable lesson about living with sincerity. Not only our actions, but our attitudes matter to God. We must learn to handle rejection, accept responsibility for one another—especially in issues of poverty and injustice. Strive for genuine worship, reconciliation and redemption.


Dear Lord,

Teach us to Worship you each day. Prompt us to open the Word and dig deep for that special Word you have for us each morning. What a great way to begin a day, communicating with your Son, and seeking His truth. Help us understand that without You as our Master, we will be slaves to sin. Amen.




I have been a member of UALC for 26 years and have been writing devotions for this site for about 17 of them. Writing is my passion. As retired staff I still love everything about UALC and its members including my small group.

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1 Komentar

Beth W. Voltmann
19 Sep 2024

Judy, thank you for the reminder to read until we worship - to dig deep for the Word the Lord has for us each new morning. He is so faithful to meet us as we read and so very worthy of praise.

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