Paul and Barnabas—Heroes of the Faith
by Judy Webb
Are there heroes in your life? Maybe a parent, grandparent, or possibly a teacher. There are always movie superheroes, like Spiderman or The Lone Ranger, and even Mighty Mouse. But do you have memories of a family member who holds hero status for you? Is there someone who was there for you, who rescued you from danger and wasn’t afraid to stand up for you during the worst conditions?
Webster defines a hero as: an illustrious warrior, a person admired for achievements and noble qualities, or one who shows great courage—just to list a few. After reading in the Book of Acts in chapter 14 two real heroes surface, Paul and Barnabas. Paul had just been stoned by a crowd that had been worked into a frenzy by Jews from Antioch and Iconium. Paul was left by this group of thugs, thinking he was dead. But the disciples had gathered around him, and he got up and went back to the city.
Paul and Barnabas left the next day, for Derbe, where they preached the gospel and won many disciples. The beating did not stop him from the work God appointed him to do. It seems to have strengthened his resolve to tell everyone about Jesus.
“They returned to Lystra, Iconium, and Antioch, strengthening the disciples and encouraging them to remain true to the faith.” (Acts 14:1b-22a)
They visited these new churches and appointed Godly and mature men as leaders and elders through prayer and fasting. This first missionary journey took them to Perga where they preached the Word and then continued to Attalia and from there to Antioch. (vs 25-26) In Antioch they called a meeting to report and celebrate the things God had done with them and told how He had opened the door of faith to the Gentiles.
The Believer’s Bible Commentary reads: "It was not what they had done for God, but what God has been pleased to accomplish through them." We too, can be heroes of faith when we tell others about God and share our story with them, always pointing to God’s faithfulness and mercy and love.
Oh, Heavenly Father,
Give us courage and opportunity to speak your truth to others. Come, Holy Spirit and show us how to tell others our stories. For our stories are valuable and a great testimony to those you want to claim.