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Daily Worship

Sept. 18 | Genesis 3:21-24 |

David Thompson





Paradise Lost

by David Thompson


Can you imagine what it must have been like to be totally innocent? That was what Adam and Eve were. They had it all; a place to live, all the food they needed, a land that didn't need weeding and all they had to do all day was to enjoy each other and name animals.

This passage opens up with God making clothing for the two rebellious beings that He had created. It showed that the life of Adam and Eve had changed forever. They now knew good and evil and would never be perfect and innocent again.

This reminds me of a similar time back in 1967. My brother who was three years older decided that I couldn't go to 7th grade and not know swear words. He proceeded to teach me as many as he knew and even shared when it would be a good time to use such words. I had never heard those words, but from that day forward, they have been swirling around in my head. My innocence was lessened, and to this day, I remember those words and unfortunately at least think them when I feel I have been unfairly wronged.

The passage goes on and we find Adam and Eve banished from the beautiful garden and were sentenced to hard work and painful childbirth. They had lost all the wonderful advantages of life due to not following God's simple command to not eat from a single tree. They were tempted by the serpent and unfortunately they gave into the temptation.

How often now that we're in a world of good and evil are we impacted by the sin of Adam and Eve. I watch channel 10 news and every day the lead story is about someone who killed another, robbed another or made a bad choice and drove drunk and killed an innocent person. Our world is a bit of a mess and it can be traced back to a single poor choice in the Garden of Eden.

Luckily for us we have Jesus and He acts as an arbitrator between God and man. You see God can't look upon sin. If we think about a sin we have committed and have asked forgiveness for, we can say to God, remember when I messed up? He says no as Jesus took all of our sin on the cross. Unfortunately the ultimate paradise was lost that awful day, but thank God we have an advocate with the father to take our sins and cast them as far as the east is from the west.


Lord God, I am so sorry that due to bad choices many thousands of years ago that you had to sacrifice your only Son, so we would not perish and will have eternal life. I so look forward to Heaven where once again we will have that paradise back. Amen.

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