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Daily Worship

September 5 | Zechariah 9:9-11

Mary Kate Hipp

Updated: Sep 6, 2023





Rejoice, Daughter Zion!

by Mary Kate Hipp

Perhaps for some of you when you read this passage, Handel's Rejoice Greatly, O Daughter of Zion plays in your head or for UALC Tetelestai alumni, the opening prophet song plays in your head (or maybe that's just me and I am a nerd). Wherever you land on the nerd scale, this familiar passage brings great joy. As Zechariah is speaking of a future time, we can be glad because it has come to fruition. And He will come again.

Rejoice, for our humble King has come. I cannot help but read this passage and smile knowing how the Lord has fulfilled His promises. In Mark 11, Jesus enters Jerusalem humbly mounted upon a donkey, fulfilling the promises laid out in Zechariah 9:9-11.

I once had the privilege to walk this very triumphant entry from Bethany and Bethphage into Jerusalem one Palm Sunday. I have never seen or experienced such joy as on that day. Hundreds of nations and denominations gathered, sang, danced, and played music in union as we imitated Jesus' triumphal entry. Very few people spoke the same language or looked the same. Different church leaders read Mark 11 in over fifteen different languages. The one thing that united us all was our faith in Jesus, rejoicing that in this very walk He fulfilled His promise to us. He proclaimed peace to the nations, His dominion extended from sea to sea, we were made one in Christ. How lovely and beautiful indeed (9:17). I can't help but imagine how much greater this joy will be when He returns. How much more peace? How much more unity? How greater the triumph?*

Read over the passage once more and envision yourself amongst the crowd welcoming in our King--the King who far exceeded our expectations and wildest dreams.

As you go throughout your week, call this joyous thought to mind: our humble King has come, just as He said He would. And He will certainly come again.

*Click here to enjoy this compilation of videos from my experience on Palm Sunday 2022. Imagine as though you are a part of this joyous celebration when the Lord returns.


May this heavenly joy be imparted to you on this day. May this be a reminder that God is a promise keeper. May you rejoice that God is the Uniter of all.

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