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Daily Worship

Elaine Pierce

October 6 | Exodus 3:1-15






Who is in Charge?

by Elaine Pierce

Did you notice the difference between how Moses answered God's call and how Abram did?


"So Abram left, as God had told him...Abram was 75 years old when he set out." (Genesis 12:4).


"Who am I, that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the Israelites out of Egypt?" (Exodus 3:11). [According to most scholars, Moses was about 80 years old when he met God at the burning bush - similar in age to Abram.]

Yes, God uses unlikely people - people like you and me - to accomplish his purposes. Abram was willing, but we know that he also took matters into his own hands when he didn't think God would do what he had promised. Moses came up with all kinds of excuses (I'm nobody....I am not a good speaker...send someone else), but God used him in spite of his failings.

How is God using you? How is God using me? Sometimes I find myself in awe of saints like Mother Teresa. She gave up everything to live in the Calcutta slums and work with the poorest of the poor - society's castoffs. She revealed that she struggled with doubt - 'the dark night of the soul.'

In Mark 9:25, Jesus challenges a father to believe that if he believes and has faith, his son will be healed. His response is one we can all relate to, even Abram, Moses, and Mother Teresa:

"I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!"

When we doubt what God has called us to, remember that he has given us a community right here at UALC, and he has given us his Word. Spend time with other Christians, and time in Scripture, and thank God for the opportunities he has given you to serve him and others. He will equip you if only you ask him. It may not be easy, but there is not greater joy than serving him.


Lord, help me to remember that it is not my strength, my might, my intelligence that will win the day. I am a sinner, saved by grace for good works in your name. You will lead, you will guide, you will solve problems if only I will believe and trust in you. It is not up to me - it is all up to you. Forgive me when I try to run the show, and help me to follow you and only you. Amen.



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