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Daily Worship


October 16 | Exodus 14:13-18


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Do I Believe This?

by Mary Alice McGinnis

One year ago in September, I went in for an overdue annual mammogram. The next day, I received that phone call, saying that I needed to schedule a follow up exam for an ultrasound. They scheduled me for an appointment on Monday, September 29, 2020. On Friday at 6 pm, I received an automated voice message that said, “You have an appointment on Monday, September 29th at 9 am. You have an appointment on Monday, September 29 at 10:15 am. You have an appointment on Monday, September 29 at 11:30 am. You have an appointment on Monday, September 29th at 12:15 pm.” My heart went into panic mode, I knew this was serious. It was after 6 pm on a Friday, so there was no one I could call for an explanation as to WHY I had been scheduled for so many appointments. Trying to stay calm, I called my boss, “I won’t be in to work on Monday. I have to have some more tests.” A flood of tears came bursting out, barely able to squeak out the next words,

“I think I have cancer.” That weekend, I determined to memorize this scripture and hold on to it, no matter what was ahead: “Yes, and I will continue to rejoice, for I know that through your prayers and God’s provision of the Spirit of Jesus Christ what has happened to me will turn out for my deliverance.” Philippians 1:18b-19

In today’s reading, Moses is standing before the Israelites who are fleeing Pharaoh. Things are not looking good. Their situation seems impossible. There seems to be no way out. Yet Moses confidently stands before them and says, “Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today.” How could he be so confident? He held on to one truth, the truth God Himself had told him. “The Egyptians will know that I am the Lord when I gain glory through Pharaoh, his chariots and his horsemen.” We don’t always know what God’s deliverance will look like. But we DO know that He loves us more than we can possibly imagine. After all, He made the ultimate sacrifice for us, giving up His Only, Beloved Son, to save us. When I finally heard those terrifying words, “Mary, you have stage 1 breast cancer,” I had to let that reality set in. Then I began to cling tightly to the rest of Paul’s words in Philippians 1:20.

“I eagerly expect and hope that I will in no way be ashamed, but will have sufficient courage so that now as always Christ will be exalted in my body, whether by life or by death. ”

Where in your life is God calling you to a deeper level of trust?

What terrifying, insurmountable circumstances in your life are begging you to ask,

“Do I really believe that God loves me?

Do I really trust Him NO MATTER WHAT?

Do I believe in His own divine time, in His own perfect way, HE WILL DELIVER ME? Not for my comfort and ease, but for HIS GLORY?”

Thank you, Lord Jesus, for Your amazing Lord. I also thank You for the impossible circumstances in my life that are teaching me how much You love me. Help me in my weakness. Fill me with You Holy Spirit’s power so I can confidently hold on to this promise, “Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today.”



Cup Prayer – This prayer will help you pour your heart out to God (Ps. 62:8). Begin with your hands folded together like an upside-down cup. Pour out before God all your fears, anxieties, guilt, sin, and shame. Tell Him what troubles you. Take time to be specific. When you feel like you’ve poured out your heart, flip your hands over, folding them like an open cup, ready to receive from God. Sit in silence, asking God simply to fill you with His Spirit. If your mind runs back to sin, shame, anxiety, or concerns of the day, flip your hands back over and pour it out to the Lord. Listen as God shares His heart back with you.

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