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Daily Worship

Pastor Dave Mann

October 11 | Exodus 4:27-31


Spoken Prayer: Out loud, pray for God to speak to you through your reading. Praise God for giving us His word. Ask the Spirit to help you read with faith, and to live out what you hear from God through the passage.





Aaron, Moses, and the People of God

by Pr. Dave Mann

Sometimes it is helpful to understand that in the biblical record, long stretches of time may have been shrunk. One paragraph can easily carry us over months and years. Understanding this point can help us develop patience as we struggle through our own problems with God’s help. Such instances are represented in today’s passage.

The Lord directed Aaron to seek out Moses in the wilderness, and then Aaron eventually met up with Moses on “the mountain of God,” which is Mount Sinai (v. 27). Imagine Aaron’s journey from Egypt to somewhere in the Sinai Peninsula (or even in Arabia according to some biblical scholars) – all on foot!

Then, Aaron and Moses took time to get caught up on what had transpired over many years of separation, especially concerning the call God gave to Moses to lead the people out of Egypt (v. 28). Remember that Moses had complained to God that he was not very good at public speaking. God had replied that Moses’ brother Aaron would be part of the team (Exodus 4:10-17). Moses had to explain all of this to Aaron to get him in on the deal.

Then, in the very next verse (v. 29), Moses and Aaron are speaking with the gathered elders of Israel. That implies that the brothers made the journey together all the way back to Egypt. Then in verse 30, Aaron spoke to the people of God and did the signs for them that God had shown him through Moses. How long did all of this take? It was at least months, if not years, to get all of these events together.

How long have you been praying and waiting for the Lord to act? God’s hand may take longer than we envision. But he will be faithful to his Word.

But then, look at what happens in verse 31. “The people believed!” They saw that the Lord had visited his people and that he had seen their affliction. Something happened in their hearts when they realized that the Lord understood their pain. And the response of the people of Israel? – “they bowed their heads and worshiped.”

Likewise with us, when we know that God weeps with those who weep, when we know that God understands, when we know that God is with us in our pain, there is a connection. In that moment, may we also bow our heads and worship.


Thank you, Lord, that you are not unaware of the difficulties in our lives. Help us never to lose heart, but rather to stay constant in prayer, keenly cognizant that you are present and that you will be faithful to your promises. In Jesus’ name, Amen!

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Membre inconnu
11 oct. 2021

Wow, does this ever put things in perspective. Thank you.

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