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Daily Worship

Mary Kate Hipp

November 21| Revelation 3:14-20





The Problem of Complacency

by Mary Kate Hipp

It is so easy to fall into the trap of complacency. We deceive ourselves into believing that self-sufficiency will lead us to salvation. We subconsciously believe that we have the power to save ourselves. In a culture saturated with false gospels, "if I just get that raise, all my problems will disappear," "if I had THAT house, life would be great," "if my body looked like THAT, then I'd be happy," we are led to believe that our material wealth leads to spiritual wealth. We become complacent in our relationship with the Lord because we are distracted and disillusioned by material and social wealth. This was true of first century Laodiceans and it is true of 21st century Americans. We may be rich by the standards of the world, but until we are rich in Christ, we are poor by all other standards, lukewarm and to be spit out. May we flee from spiritual poverty and complacency and run into the arms of Christ.

I cannot help but think of Matthew 6 while talking about spiritual wealth. Matthew 6 talks of the rewards of the hypocrites and the rewards of those who seek first the Kingdom. The reward that many of us seek (myself included) in giving and serving is the approval of others, the satisfaction of knowing "I'm a good person," when in reality, the reward of the Father is simply the love of the Father. To some of us, this will be a let down that our works do not lead to a Tesla in heaven or a gold star for volunteer efforts. When we are complacent, we settle for earthly rewards. There is no reward in heaven for those who seek earthly rewards, for they already have their reward.

This is the problem of complacency: complacency clouds spiritual wealth. When we are rich in Christ we are not distracted by the flash and the frill of the world.

Friends, do not get lost in the false Gospel of material or social wealth and spiritual poverty. Do not be complacent. If we are complacent, we will surely be spit out by Christ. If we are fulfilled by the world, we have no need for Christ. If we seek the rewards of the world, we have no need for the reward of the Father. If Christ is only a Sunday thought, we have no reason for eternity with Him.

Behold, he knocks.


Spend time following the prayer model of ACTS.

Adore him.

Confess the ways in which you have been complacent.

Thank him for his great gift of love.

Supplicate for forgiveness, for the strength to be neither cold nor lukewarm, etc.

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