Communion Joy
by Elaine Pierce
Do you remember that exhilarating feeling the first time you successfully rode your bike without training wheels? My 5-year-old grandson just mastered his two-wheeler, and he was thrilled to demonstrate this new skill for me last week. Those 'firsts' in our lives are milestones that mark progress and they are worthy of celebrating.
Today marks the first communion for many of our younger members. They have watched their parents receive the bread and the wine many times, and now it is their opportunity to participate more fully. We celebrate communion every Sunday, and as I watch our UALC family walk forward to receive the elements, I am often moved to thank God for the people he has brought together on our two campuses. We will be together, with all the saints, for all eternity.
As we read in today's Old Testament passage in 2 Chronicles, the Passover had not been celebrated for many years when Hezekiah became King. He sent a proclamation throughout Israel and Judah, urging people to come to Jerusalem to once again follow God's commands to observe this sacred holiday. Many people mocked him and refused to come, but thousands obeyed, and the first Passover after many years was celebrated for two weeks with much joy and fellowship.
When Jesus celebrated Passover with his disciples the day before he died, they had no idea that he would be crucified on a cross the next day. They followed his instructions for preparing the Passover, and "they found things just as Jesus had told them. (Luke 22:13)."
As Christians, we take communion as Jesus commanded us, and we remember his sacrifice on the cross Whether it's the first time you receive the elements, or the seventieth time - or the thousandth time - I pray that you will find deep joy, peace and hope as you remember what Jesus did and what is to come for all who call him Lord and Savior.
Passover foreshadowed communion. Let us celebrate, remember, and give thanks, for he is good.
Lord, you provided a good King for the Israelites, and he brought them back to worship you through Passover. Today, we have the King of Kings with us every day. Thank you for the gift of the holy spirit, and I pray that we will follow you and serve you day by day. Amen.