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David's Plan: God's Response
by Elaine Pierce
Have you ever thought you knew exactly what God wanted you to do? But then you discovered he had other plans? King David had that happen. David, one of the giants of the Old Testament, a man after God's own heart. He had amassed several military victories, and he was sitting atop the world. He told his prophet and close friend, Nathan, that it was time to build God a home. Nathan agreed with him: "Whatever you have in mind, go ahead and do it, for the Lord is with you."
Ah, but later that same evening, God speaks very clearly to Nathan that building a new house for God is NOT part of David's work for the Lord. In fact, that temple will be built by David's son. God also says that he, God, will make David's name great, "like the names of the greatest men of the earth." Nathan reports this message to David the next day, and as you can read in the rest of the chapter, David accepts God's decision and praises him for his many blessings.
God tells Nathan that he has plans to bless David: "Your house and your kingdom will endure forever before me; your throne will be established forever" (v. 16). But God did not need David to build him a house. God had other plans for David.
No, God didn't need David, and yet he used him mightily to establish his nation, Israel, his chosen people. As we read in Psalm 24 last week, "The earth is the Lord's, and everything in it."
God doesn't need us, and yet he created us in his image, and he loves us. Before we decide what we want to do for him, let's stop and ask him for counsel, for guidance, for direction. Let's remember that all we have comes from him and that serving him is our joy, our blessing, and our privilege.
Lord, thank you for your word. Forgive me when I try to impress you with the wonderful ways I want to serve you. Help me to remember that all I have comes from you. Help me to listen to you, and to obey your still small voice. Holy Spirit, fill me, and use me, broken though I am, to bless others. Amen.