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Am I "In" or "Out"?
by Mary Alice McGinnis
In my freshman year of college, I auditioned for the select choir. Anxiety gripped me as I waited outside the choir room door for my turn. When my turn came, I stepped into the room and up next to the grand piano. There the director was waiting. As he plunked the keys on the piano, he asked me to vocalize up and down numerous scales and arpeggios. Listening intently, he tested my pitch, singing range, and clarity of tone. My knees were knocking, my heart racing, gasping for a deep enough breath to eek out an audible syllable. I was terrified that I would not be good enough, that I would not measure up.
I left feeling like a failure. The next few days were excruciating. The lingering question - would be IN or OUT? Finally, the news came. A list of those who had been selected had been posted outside the choir room.
I anxiously raced across campus to the music building. My stomach churned as I visually scoured the alphabetical list of names.
There it was!! My name – Mary Huss – 2 Soprano. I was elated!!!
How do we know if we are ever good enough? What can we do to know if we measure up - if we will make the cut? When we stand before the Divine Director, will we be declared IN or OUT?
The early church thought that those who were direct descendants of Abraham, those who followed the law perfectly to the letter, were the only ones that would find their names on the list of God’s chosen people. Like them, it’s tempting to think that we are IN because of our pedigree or accomplishments. We have a tendency to see and treat others as less than, counting them as those who are OUT!
The truth of the matter is, we have ALL fail to make the cut of perfection.
Romans 3:23, “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.”
God’s Divine Word - Scripture, foresaw all that God had planned. Scripture made an announcement - a proclamation of good news - about what has been true since the beginning of time.
As far back as Genesis 12:3a, the promise to Abraham was, “and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.”
Abraham was declared righteous, not because of his own genetic makeup, or because he had followed God’s laws perfectly. No, ONLY because he BELIEVED GOD. Abraham put his trust and confidence in One who had made the promise.
And the GOOD NEWS is that all people, everywhere, regardless of genetic background, history, or adherence to any set of rules, can also be declared righteous by FAITH.
Remember when the Angels came to the lowly Shepherds the night that Jesus was born?
But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; He is the Messiah, the Lord.”
Luke 2:10-11
You can confidently know for certain that you are forever declared righteous and IN God’s family, when you put your faith and trust in the victorious Savior.
The one who is victorious will, like them, be dressed in white. I will never blot out the name of that person from the book of life, but will acknowledge that name before my Father and His angels. Revelation 3:5
Spoken Prayer: Pray OUT LOUD, right now, that God would continue to speak to you as you meditate on His Word. Praise Him for giving us His Word that foresaw our need and proclaimed us IN. Ask the Spirit to help you to embrace what you read with faith, and to live out what you heard from God today.