Purse Strings of our Hearts
by Judy Webb
Here is a glorious paradox. We enrich ourselves by being generous. We impoverish ourselves by laying up treasurers on earth. – Believer’s Bible Commentary

The messages we have been hearing about our money or lack of it has been convicting. I didn't realize before, but 'retail therapy' is a real thing. Now, I know many of us purchase large ticket items for our therapy - new phones, bigger TVs, fancy cars and we find satisfaction in these purchases.
Don't get me wrong, I would love to buy any of these items, but I am finally getting wise to the ways of the advertising world. But if I am honest, when I review my Amazon purchases this year (there are many!) few are for more then $20. But I am still trying to fill a hole with things.
"A life devoted to things is a dead life, a stump; a God-shaped life is a flourishing tree." (Proverbs 11:28 MSG)
Not everything I see on my TV screen each night is something I need, although the advertisers will tell us differently. I am finally wise enough to recognize when I am being seduced by the wiles of the world. Yes, having cool stuff is fun, but how long does that last? Now that my income is limited because of retirement. I know the value of waiting, of not giving in and recklessly putting all my dreams on a credit card. These dreams fast become nightmares.
I am learning from this series, how to be truly free. It is starting to sink in, that I am so rich and I need to share this wealth. I need to do it without calling attention to myself, but subtly and quietly help someone today. Send a gift card anonymously. Drop groceries off at the door of a single mother. Find creative ways to be generous with the gifts God has given.
"A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed."
Proverbs 11:25 (NIV)
Father, we have so much to learn about generous living. Once we realize it isn't all about us, our purse strings loosen and we see where there is a need and do what we can to help. Bring us to this understanding. Amen.
