Am I Good Enough?
by Judy Webb
"Remind the people to be subject to rulers and authorities, to be obedient, to be ready to do whatever is good," (Titus 3:1)
Quite a few years ago I was working with a man who considered himself to be good. He told me frequently he thought he would go to heaven when he died because he was a good person. I would ask him if he ever went to church and he would respond with, "No, but I am a good person, I don't hurt others, I don't steal or cheat. Wouldn't you say I am a good person?"
"Yes, I would," was my response to him, "You are a good person." I think of that co-worker often and wonder if he ever really got it. I was so new to the Christian faith that I understood what he was asking me, and I knew he wanted me to confirm his salvation, but unfortunately, I was still struggling with my own and had no clue how to help him. Now I pray for him and will have to wait to see if we meet in heaven.
So, back to the question, "What is good?" If asked now, I could tell him with confidence that no one is good, no one is good enough to get to heaven by what they have done. It is only by what Jesus has done for us, His death and resurrection, will we receive the invitation into eternal life.
"But when the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared, he saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy." (Titus 3:4-5)
Dear Lord, when we have opportunities to tell someone if they are good enough, give us the correct words to lead them to the truth. Only you are good enough and only by loving you are we invited into heaven.