Wash and Be Cleansed
by Beth Voltmann
Our understanding of today’s reading will benefit if we look to the start of the chapter.
“Now Naaman was commander of the army of the king of Aram. He was a great man in the sight of his master and highly regarded, because through him the LORD had given victory to Aram. He was a valiant soldier, but he had leprosy.” (2 Kings 5:1)
Naaman – Syrian army commander to a king, Gentile, great man, highly regarded, valiant soldier, mighty in his own eyes, and yet...a leper. (Aren’t we all before we meet the one true God?)
His power, authority and pride could not protect him from a devastating illness, but a young Jewish slave girl knew who could help. She suggested he visit Elisha, the prophet in Israel. Why? She knew that only God could heal him – only God could save him.
Naaman’s purpose in traveling to a different country was to meet this man of God. Instead, the prophet, Elisha, sent his messenger out to say,
”Go, wash yourself seven times in the Jordan, and your flesh will be restored and you will be cleansed.”
But Naaman went away angry... (2 Kings 5:10,11)
Envision his rage. Why wouldn’t Elisha have shown the honor and decency to recognize how important he was? Naaman wrestled with his indignation:
· Why would he send his servant?
· Surely he could wave his hand and cure me!
· Aren’t the waters of Damascus better than those of Israel?
· (Seven times?)

Pride almost caused him to reject God’s mercy. We don't know if he ultimately chose to follow the God of Israel, but we do know that he obeyed the word of God’s prophet, dipped himself in the Jordan seven times, and was made clean. Oh the amazing power of God!
Sometimes we, too, imagine how the Lord should move in our lives, how he should save us and heal us. Pride can get in the way and keep us from humbling ourselves before him. We must remember that his thoughts are not our thoughts – neither are our ways his ways. (Isaiah 55:8)
Healing (at times physical, often emotional, but always spiritual) comes to us the moment we take a leap of faith. We must believe and act on God’s Word – God’s mercy – God’s grace. There is no exact formula – just humble obedience.
Hear these words of Jesus:
“Unless I wash you, you have no part with me.” (John 13:8b)
Lord God, we long to be cleansed from our sins and healed of our infirmities. May we not question the how or why, but instead trust in you as our Redeemer and Healer. As King David did, we pray,
“Wash me, and I will be whiter than snow.” (Ps 51:7b)

Beautiful devotion and one that makes me pause and examine my prideful heart. Thank you.