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Daily Worship

David Thompson

May 20 | 2 Corinthians 4:4-11


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Lives Filled With Light

By David Thompson

This passage is a bit harder to unpack than many passages that I have had the privilege to write about. Verse four starts by saying that "the 'god of this age' has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so they can not see the light of the Gospel." (v. 4) The god of this age is the devil. "He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for whom he might devour." (1 Peter 5:8)

This reminds me of going on visitation with the pastor of the church I was attending. We had memorized a process of leading people to the Lord called Evangelism Explosion. It was a great tool to have and we used it often on those that we felt were in need. However, what surprised me was how many people were blinded by the god of this age; the devil. We would go through the presentation and when it came to the question of decision, there were many excuses. One said that they didn't need it as he grew up in a catholic church. Another said that he was good and in his opinion, he would make it to Heaven by his works (we know that trying to be saved through good works never works), but this man seriously thought he would make it "by the skin of his teeth." I could go on, but you get the point. The devil really had a victory going in so many lives. To finish this thought, we did have a number of positive responses. The Holy Spirit was always at work in the lives of those who responded.

In verses 5 through 7, Paul makes the case that it was not him speaking as himself, but Christ speaking through him. The same was true for the above mentioned visitations. To make this even clearer, Paul likened himself to clay jars. Clay jars are fragile and breakable and he wanted the Corinthians to understand that it is God in us that gives us the power to speak about Him.

Verses 8-11 finish by reminding us that we may be at the end of our rope sometimes, but we are never at the end of our hope. We are sinful in ourselves and without Christ there would be no hope, but thanks be to God that through Christ's death on the cross, we have life everlasting.



Dear God, Thank you for all you do for us. We may be frail vessels that are prone to take on more than what is our rightful due. It is you that guides us, forgives us for transgressions, and grants us eternal life. Help us to not think more highly of ourselves, but to give you the credit for everything. Be with us when we feel down and grant us Your Words when it comes to speaking the Good News to others. Amen.

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1 Comment

Judy Webb
Judy Webb
May 20, 2022

David, thank you for this devotion. I am going to remember the words, "we may be at the end of our rope sometimes, but we are never at the end of our hope" today. Great work. --

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