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Daily Worship

May 17 | Psalm 8:1-9

Judy Webb


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by Judy Webb

"O LORD, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!" Psalm 8:1, 9 Can you hear the music? When you read the opening line from Psalm 8 doesn’t the familiar melody fill your head? The wonderful tune is uplifting and causes toes to tap and hands to raise. What a fantastic way to begin a time of Praise and Worship. We might even consider dancing in the aisles if one weren't so self-conscious.

Psalm 8 is filled with encouraging facts, and raises interesting questions. “What is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them?” (verse 4)

Children are able to trust and praise God without reservation, Oh, if only adults could. Doesn't it bring a huge smile when a child innocently begins to move to the beat and then slips out of the seat and dances in the aisles, much to their parents' chagrin. Children experience a freedom adults only express in the privacy of their own living room.

We have every reason to jump for joy when reading this Psalm. We are created in His image. God created us only a little lower than the angels. The next time I question my worth it would be wise to remember this fact. I might feel lowly and inadequate, but God sees me through different eyes. No matter how often I disappoint Him, He still loves me and looks at me with the same love.

He has given us tremendous authority--the charge of the whole earth. With authority comes responsibility and an obligation to do good - as we will be held accountable. It is wise to consider this fact when we view all the evil and deceit around us. We are called to share God’s Good News and that includes speaking the truth in love -- and that might mean calling out evil.

In closing, notice that this Psalm’s the first line is repeated. It deserves to be heard often. Verse 1 and verse 9 are Great bookends, support in the beginning and on the end. Psalm 8:1, 9 (NIV)

O LORD, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!



Prayer Journal – Grab a pen and paper and write out a prayer of praise to God. Not sure what to write? Try using Psalm 8 to frame your prayer. Begin with adoration for who God is. Then move on to confession – being real about where you have fallen short in the last day or two. Give thanks to God for all that He gives (including forgiveness for the sin you just confessed!). And then finish with supplication – with your prayer requests to God. When you are done, tuck this away somewhere (so you can read it later and see how God has answered your prayers) and then move into hearing from God through His Word.

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