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Daily Worship

Elaine Pierce

March 27 | John 18:28-40


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What is Truth?

by Elaine Pierce

What is truth? Pilate asked Jesus that question before he went out to face the crowd, who demanded that Jesus be crucified. John didn't record Jesus' answer to this question, but we know that shortly after he asked that, Pilate told the crowd that he didn't find a reason to put Jesus to death. The mob demanded that Jesus die, and we will spend the next couple of weeks before Easter reading the passages that tell us the story of Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem followed by his death and resurrection.

How would you answer that question, "what is truth?" Have you heard the expression "this is my truth"? Is truth relative, simply in the eye of the beholder? Or is there truth, capital T? There are certain truths that cannot be denied. The grass is green. Gravity is a fact. We all eventually die. Two plus two equals four. It's hard to argue with any of those statements, isn't it? More than 200 years ago, 56 courageous men signed the Declaration of Independence, which contains these stirring words that many of us know by heart:

"We hold these truths to be self evident: that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness."

Yes, truth can be found, but was Pilate really looking for it? Or was he looking for a loophole, a way to placate both the crowd and the Roman authorities? Jesus tells him that "everyone on the side of truth listens to me." Pilate missed the truth. He gave into the mob. Jesus was crucified. But, dear friends, thanks be to God that we know the rest of the story, and in a few short weeks we will celebrate the resurrection. Yes, Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life.

Truth might be elusive in today's world, as it was when Pilate served as the Roman Governor. But when we seek the truth, we will find it. Jesus said in John 8:31-32, "if you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."


Dear Lord, so often I want what I want, whether it is for your glory or not. Help me each day to seek you with my whole heart, and to follow your way. Help me to rest in the truth of your saving grace. Amen.

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