The Best Gift
by Pr. Dave Mann
Isaiah speaks to three different periods–-sometimes the timeline concurrent with the prophet’s life, sometimes into the future to the life of the suffering servant, i.e., the Messiah, and sometimes envisioning the end of the age. Isaiah 25:6-9 speaks into this third time, the culmination of the age, The Day of the Lord.
Jesus spoke in a parable, foreshadowing the great banquet in the new heaven and new earth (Matthew 22:4ff & Luke 14:15ff). He also announced the great banquet in Matthew 8:11: I say to you that many will come from the east and the west, and they will take their places at the feast with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven.
In a vision, John saw the marriage supper of the Lamb, the bridegroom, with his bride, the church (Revelation 19:7-9). In the new heaven and new earth, every tear will be wiped away and death shall be no more (Revelation 20:4).
However, Isaiah is the first to write about this event in our Bible. In Isaiah 2:2ff., the prophet foretold the Day when Mount Zion would be exalted above all other mountains, and all peoples will come together on Mt. Zion in peace. Isaiah 25 speaks of more specific blessings the Lord will give his bride.
What will be the greatest gift that God will give to his people? Many believers imagine what they will enjoy the most in heaven. Isaiah 25 lists several. Which will you enjoy most?
Verse 6: Rich foods—the best of meat and the best of wines. Having lived in several other cultures, I can tell you that what one ethnic group considers “the best,” that is, the most flavorful and the most appreciated is not always equally admired by others. How God will pull off serving “the best” to all people groups in a single event will be a great miracle.
Verse 7-8: God will destroy the shroud that envelopes all people, death itself. The Lord has already announced from the cross and the empty tomb that he has overcome death. But on that great Day, there will be no more death in all the creation.
Verse 8: Because of the swallowing up of death, God will wipe away every tear. The Almighty himself will comfort all who have had a tear descent across the cheek.
Verse 8: God will remove disgrace from his people. Embarrassments that wound the spirit will be removed.
But what will be the great gift of all for God’s people? The gift of God himself. God’s presence, dwelling amid a forgiven and redeemed people, will be the most amazing moment since the dawn of time. We will be amazed. We all will exclaim: Surely this is our God; we trusted in him, and he saved us!
Lord Jesus, the Lamb, the Bridegroom, and the host of the banquet, we look forward to that great moment when you will gather us around your table. I can’t imagine feeling worthy to sit at such a gathering, but by your grace alone I will be there. And I shall be present, in Jesus’ name, Amen.

A beautiful picture. Thank you.
Thanks Pastor Dave!