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Daily Worship

Diane Ward

June 28 | John 16:25-33





Never Alone

by Diane Ward

When I was a child, I was often homesick when left alone, not knowing the time my parents would come back. When my son was little, I told him the time I would return and showed him how to read the numbers on the clock. I assured him I would not be late. He would not be left alone.

Life’s greatest sorrow is the loss of a loved one. Words can’t comfort us as permanent abandonment is what the heart feels. We can imagine how the disciples felt when Jesus talked of going away. He had been with them three years. They had formed sacred bonds of love and friendship. He taught them, comforted them, and loved them. Their hearts were not prepared to consider He would leave them.

They heard His words, while their hearts were afraid of losing Him forever. Jesus assured them they would not be left alone. He promised a supernatural Helper and Comforter would come to them soon after His departure. They would not be left as orphans. (Gospel of John 14:18)

The Holy Spirit is Comforter, Paraclete, Counselor and Helper. He is an Advocate; consoling and interceding on our behalf. He is our Ruach, (breath of the Spirit). He is our unifier, bringing us together in love and oneness. Absolutely nothing can separate us from His love. We have the promise of the Holy Spirit within us.


Father, we thank you for your abiding presence in our lives through the Holy Spirit. We are thankful that Jesus' presence wasn't confined to his earthly ministry, but that he came to live inside our hearts through the Holy Spirit. Grant Your peace that passes all understanding - that we are never left alone.

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1 Comment

Jun 28, 2023

Your example of “not being left alone” is revealing to me. You brought that thought to where we live. (and where the disciples were living). Thank you!

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