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Daily Worship

June 17 | Romans 8:8-17

Pastor Dave Mann






The Spirit Chooses You

by Pr. Dave Mann


I would like to start with one foot in the Bible text from yesterday – the parable of the lost son.  The returning prodigal, after he had come to senses, resigned himself and prepared his speech to be considered an ordinary hired hand for his father’s estate (Luke 15:19).  However, upon the son’s return, the father did not even give the son the opportunity to finish his prepared repentant speech (Luke 15:21-22).  The Father was so pleased to have the wayward son in his home again that he did not let him get to the part in his speech about being a hired servant, and not to be treated as a son.


The prodigal son and any of us who have sinned have indeed disqualified ourselves from receiving a blessing from God our Father.  However, our heavenly Father himself, has chosen to override our disqualification and to declare us “adopted as sons,” children of God with full spiritual status. “Adoption to sonship” is the original language of the New Testament, and is the legal term to designate the person to whom is given full inheritance.  Receiving this “adoption to sonship” is not based on the heir’s merit or deserving.  Its legitimacy is entirely based on the decision of the father. 


The Apostle Paul, in today’s text, masterfully lays out the basis for this declaration of becoming an heir in the kingdom of God.  In the ten verses of today’s passage, Paul mentions “the Spirit” eleven times.  Our status as an heir of the kingdom is based on what God has done for us in the Spirit, not what we have earned.


Though your actions may indeed merit severe punishment, even death, the Spirit chooses to make you authentic children of God.  This is not based on your feelings, your history, the accusations of the Enemy, or the gossiping of others.  If you have been baptized, you have the Spirit (Acts 2:38-39).  This is God’s decision, not yours.


Read these declarations aloud.  This is what Jesus, our Advocate and defense attorney (1 John 2:1), proclaims about us.


  • You are in the realm of the Spirit.

  • The Spirit of God lives in you.

  • The Spirit gives life.

  • The Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you.

  • The Spirit who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies.

  • Those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God.

  • The Spirit you received does not make you slaves so that you live in fear again; rather, the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship. And by him we cry, “Abba, Father.” 

The Spirit of God has claimed you.



Lord God, thank you that you do not listen to our ill-prepared speeches, but rather you receive only to the portion of our prayers that emanate from the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.  Keep on convincing us of the beauty and trustworthiness of the work of your Spirit in our hearts.  Keep on with your good work until, by your grace, we are sanctified, truly trusting in what you have done for us in Jesus’ name, Amen. 

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Jun 17, 2024

Good morning, Pastor Dave:

UALC is where i came to belief through bible study with Buff Delcamp in the Koinonia room. Coming from a catholic upbringing I never read the bible or had any concept of saving grace. It was a "religious experience" but I did feel the power and presence of the Holy Spirit many times while in prayer or worship. I was taught that if a child was not baptized and died it would go to "limbo". I was also taught that Baptism saves. I was rescued from this "religiosity" by studying the Word of God and understanding Romans and the eight chapter of this incredible book of spiritual wisdom. Come Holy Spirit and fill our minds, hearts,…

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