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Daily Worship

June 11 | Psalm 1

Elaine Pierce





What's Your Song?

by Elaine Pierce

I am guessing that most of UALC's Daily Worship readers are familiar with the old hymn that begins "How I love thy law, O Lord, daily joy it's truths afford." I will admit to you I often feel hypocritical when I sing those words. Do I love God's law? Do I find daily joy in its truths? The concept of enjoying "the law" is not one I gravitate to. I love God's creation, I love his grace and his mercies, which are new every day, but do I love his law? Do I, as the psalmist says, "delight in the law of God, and meditate on it day and night?" The thought of meditating on the law brings to mind the image of dusty, dry textbooks - not something that sounds exciting and joyful.

But what is the 'law of the Lord?' Simply put, it's God's Word, "God-breathed, and useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness." (2 Timothy 3:16) And what happens when we spend time "in the law" soaking in God's word? We grow deep roots and we are able to withstand trials and temptations that will inevitably come our way.

I want to be like that mighty tree in Psalm 1. I want to dig my roots deep. I want to soak in the sunshine, the rain, the wind. I want to build a firm foundation. How do we do that? A day at a time, a day at a time. A conscious choice to spend time in scripture. To listen to God in prayer. To sing his praises. To gather regularly with other believers in worship. The bottom line is that God is waiting, God is ready, God delights in his creation and wants us to delight in him.

So, dear friends, please join me in this adventure of learning to delight in the law. The refrain to that old hymn is worth reading - and evening singing - aloud:

Sweeter are thy words to me/Than all other good can be;

Safe I walk, thy truth my light/Hating falsehood, loving right.


Lord, indeed your words are sweet. Help me, each day, to sing your praises and to dig my roots deep into your word. Forgive me when I fail. Thank you for the gift of your word, your Holy Spirit, and your church. Amen.

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