Word of God, Speak
by Kristin Schoeff
Imagine for a moment that you knew that your days on this earth were soon coming to an end. In fact, imagine that the Lord Jesus had clearly communicated this to you—so you were certain it was true. What would you want to tell those you love most dearly? Would the things that had seemed so important in earlier days now lose their urgency? What would you want your loved ones to remember when you were no longer there to remind them?
In this passage, Peter, having understood from the Lord that he would soon be departing this earth, expressed a desire to share important things with these believers he loved. He wanted to be certain that they would be able to recall and diligently practice those things which would keep them from stumbling and confirm the Lord’s calling on their lives when he could no longer remind them.
Here is evidence of Peter’s embrace of the commandment that Jesus gave to him personally before He ascended into Heaven: “Shepherd my sheep.” (John 21:16 MSG) Peter’s shepherd heart reached out to the last to feed, teach, and protect Jesus’ beloved “sheep.”
In the preceding verses of this chapter, he reminds them of Christian virtues that need to be cultivated so their lives will be fruitful for Him. Then he moves on to remind them that his witness to them of Jesus Christ as God’s Son wasn’t a clever story designed to convince them, but rather his powerful eyewitness experience seeing Jesus glorified as the majestic Son of God. And he heard the very voice of God, saying, “This is My beloved Son, with whom I am well-pleased.” Peter could never forget seeing and hearing the splendor and the power of His Lord, and hearing God commend Him from Heaven.
Wouldn’t you love to get to hear the audible voice of God speak from Heaven to confirm your faith? Peter reminds us that the Bible—God’s Word spoken by the prophets is also God speaking to us—“men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God.” (v. 21) He calls all of us to pay attention to this Word as to a “lamp shining brightly in a dark place.” (v. 19) I think of Psalm 119:105: “Thy word is a lamp to my feet, and a light to my path.”
Let us value and cherish the Word of God, and let the Holy Spirit speak to our hearts through it, strengthening our faith and bringing God’s light to the path ahead of us.
Dear Lord, let your Word speak to us daily, leading us and guiding us. Remind us of the things that are truly important to you, and let us carefully listen for your voice. We pray this in Jesus’ precious name,