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Daily Worship

July 9 | Psalm 19

Elaine Pierce





I Saw the Sign

by Elaine Pierce

God's majesty in creation is everywhere you look, if you have eyes to see. In Psalm 19, King David says that "the heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.' And yet, we so often fail to notice his glory and his majesty. It's easy to take the heavens, the skies, the sun, the mountains, the seas, for granted. As I read the first 6 verses of this psalm, I am reminded of the sheer beauty, the incredible diversity, and the overwhelming magnificence of our natural world.

Note the turn that the psalmist takes in the next 7 verses. He goes from extolling creation to reminding us that God also speaks through his word. And notice the 6 different ways he describes scripture:

  • perfect

  • trustworthy

  • right

  • radiant

  • pure

  • sure

That's an impressive list! Not only did God create the world in which we live, he gave us a roadmap for how to live in this world. One is linked to the other. So take time, every day, to spend time in God's word and to spend time enjoying his creation. God did not create our world and then leave us to our own devices. He gives us clear guidance, with words that David says "are more precious than gold, than much pure gold; they are sweeter than honey, than honey from the comb. (v. 10)".


Thank you, Lord, for the beauty of the earth, and for the glory of the skies. Thank you for your word, and help me daily to draw strength and joy from scripture. Amen.

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