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Daily Worship

July 30 | Psalm 35

Elaine Pierce





Eye Of The Tiger

by Elaine Pierce

Psalm 35 is one of the 'imprecatory' psalms. These psalms are full of language that calls down calamity, destruction and God's anger and judgment on his enemies. Scholars think that David wrote this when Saul was pursuing him to kill him. Indeed, there is lot of strange language in these 28 verses! We are focusing on the first six verses and verses 22-23, but I would encourage you to read the entire psalm this week.

David is understandably furious at his enemies - they are trying to kill him. Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you were certain that a coworker, a friend, or a family member was out to get you? There is a feeling of helplessness that often turns to rage and revenge. We want our enemy to fall into the pit that they dug to trap us (v. 7-9). David is asking God to come to his aid - to fight for him. We want to see evil lose, and we want to see good win. David does too, and he reminds himself - and us - that only God will win the battle:

When we want others to suffer, as David certainly did, let's remember to put our faith, our trust, our confidence, in our Lord. And let's remember, David does, that The Lord is worthy of our praise and our trust:

"My tongue will speak of your righteousness and of your praises all day long." (v. 28)


Lord, so often I want to punish those who seek to do me harm. Help me to remember that you are in charge, and you have a plan and a purpose for my life - to serve you and glorify you. Thank you for all the you do and all that you are. Amen.

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