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Daily Worship

Judy Webb

July 25 | Colossians 2:16-23






Jesus is Enough!

by Judy Webb

Laws are necessary to keep the peace, to supply order, and to define boundaries. But they aren’t so good when used to persecute, or when held over someone’s head as a threat. The Pharisees were very good at this, constantly looking for reasons to berate Jesus and the followers. These men were primed to stir up the crowd and do all they could to instill fear and hate. Even for no reason more serious than gleaning grain to eat from a field on the sabbath, or even for healing someone on that same sabbath.

I love the verse, “The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath." (Mark 2:27)

While observing a sabbath is one of the Ten Commandments, it is in place to help us, not to harm us. Observing a sabbath is a time of rest and of fellowship with others. We don’t take enough time for each other. Some of us feel we don’t deserve this time—we must keep on with our work, but even God rested as an example to us.

Three points from this text:

1. The supremacy of Christ: “Since you died with Christ…why, as though you sill belonged to this world, do you submit to its rules?” (verse 20)

2. The dangers of legalism: Legalism defines us more by what we don’t do than by what we do. It feeds the flesh.

3. The sufficiency of Jesus for salvation: Rebuke legalism and embrace Christ.

Jesus’ life and death freed us from all legalism which the Pharisees imposed and gave freedom from these ridiculous human rules. This allowed Christians to rest in the grace of Jesus; to rebuke legalism and embrace Christ. Legalism is based on works and involves earning a better life. Instead of "do more," we are told, “It is done!” Jesus is enough!


Thank you Lord, for giving us the sabbath and for freeing us from so much law. The Gospel is all we need to follow you. The rest you provide during our sabbath is what we need to get through the next day, the next week. Amen.

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