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Daily Worship

July 13 | Isaiah 58:9-14

Mary Alice McGinnis






What Do You Delight In?

by Mary Alice McGinnis


We are such busy people. Always on the go, running from this activity to the next.

Trying to climb the corporate ladder or keep up with the Jones’. Comparing ourselves to others who seem to have everything they ever wanted. Even in our spiritual lives, we can get caught up in thinking, “I need to do more . . .” or “less of . . .” Trying to live up to that invisible measuring stick to prove ourselves is exhausting.

In today’s reading, the Israelites were asking why God was seeming not answering them. They were “doing” all the right things to prove they were worthy of God’s attention, at least in their minds. Isaiah tells them, when they cry for help, “He (God) will say, ‘Here I am.’”

This struck me because I often find myself seeing God as a divine vending machine - when I put in my time of prayer, worship, or good deeds, He will in turn grant me all that I desire.

Isaiah shows them that their checklist of dos and don’ts won’t satisfy the yearnings of their souls. When we realize the source of our ONLY HOPE, the only thing that can truly satisfy our deepest desire, only then can we find what we so desperately seek.

The things I seek after, my need to prove myself and seeking my own way, only leads me to needing more and more and more of such empty pleasures. Even when those pursuits are wrapped in the veneer of shallow godliness. It's like a hamster on a wheel, an endless, futile pursuit.

Instead, God invites us into His story! He invites us into a deep relationship with Him. Turning away from my empty pursuit of my own desires and instead DELIGHTING IN HIM. Then we will find the kind of life that is true life. “You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail. Your people will rebuild the ancient ruins and will raise up the age-old foundations; you will be called Repairer of Broken Walls, Restorer of Streets with Dwellings.”

God’s delight in us was purchased through the blood of Jesus. We no longer need to wonder if we measure up. We can find rest – a Sabbath rest – in the delight of Him.

“Then you will find your joy in the Lord, and I will cause you to ride in triumph on the heights of the land and to feast on the inheritance of your father Jacob.” The mouth of the Lord has spoken.”


What might delighting in God look like in your daily life?


Lord, help me focus on You as my delight. Show me how to rest in You, and then lead me to honor You with my life.

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1 Comment

Jul 13, 2024

Love this line…. “find myself seeing God as a divine vending machine -”

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