Time and Again
by Jennifer Jerrome
Have you ever put your heart into something that ended in frustration? After reading today’s passage, I decided to dive a little deeper into the character of Nehemiah. What I gathered from thirteen chapters was that he was concerned with doing what was right. He worried about the future and felt called to rebuild Jerusalem. He was certainly detail oriented with a whole chapter dedicated to recording everyone’s name who helped rebuild the wall.
He was a passionate leader who called on fellow Jews to fight for their families. As governor, he stepped in to make things right whenever necessary always asking to stay in God’s good graces. He was devoted to the Lord, with maybe just a touch of arrogance.
“Remember me with favor, my God, for all I have done for these people.” (5:19)
Nehemiah remembered the transgressions of his ancestors and warned the people not to repeat the same mistakes.
"They refused to listen and failed to remember the miracles you performed among them. They became stiff-necked and in their rebellion appointed a leader in order to return to their slavery. But you are a forgiving God, gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love. Therefore, you did not desert them." (9:17)
Time and again the Israelites rebelled and time and again God displayed his grace and mercy. Nehemiah clung to this knowledge and asked the same for his people. When things went off the rails, he had them create a binding agreement, putting into writing, that they would follow God’s laws. One of those being, “When the neighboring peoples bring merchandise or grain to sell on the Sabbath, we will not buy from them on the Sabbath or on any holy day.” (10:31)
Today’s scripture talks about the people of Judah doing the very thing they pledged not to do which greatly angered Nehemiah. He worked so hard to rebuild the city and now he felt they were destroying it all.
He reminded them again, “Didn’t your ancestors do the same things, so that our God brought all this calamity on us and on this city? Now you are stirring up more wrath against Israel by desecrating the Sabbath.” (13:18)
Nehemiah was frustrated with his people and rightfully so. I imagine he asked himself, “Won’t they ever learn?!”
I know there have been many times in my life where I ask that same question, often of myself, “Won’t you ever learn?” God wants us to take our mistakes and turn them into opportunities. Sometimes it takes us a while to get it right and sometimes we never do, but guess what? The loving and merciful God that Nehemiah prayed to is the same God we pray to today. And time and again he pours out his great love.
Now, this is not to excuse us from desecrating the Sabbath, but serves as a reminder that we too are God’s chosen people, and he wants us to remember what the Sabbath is truly for - an invitation to rest in Him.
I know my mind, body and spirit could use a rest. How about yours?
Father, thank you for giving us the words of Nehemiah. You have made known your holy Sabbath. May we boldly say, “We will not neglect the house of our God.” And may we remember to rest in you mind, body and spirit, knowing that your kindness and mercy last forever. Amen