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Daily Worship

January 25 | Luke 4:31-44

David Thompson

Updated: Jan 27






Power Over Demons

by Dave Thompson 


In this passage, Jesus is seen as a powerful speaker. Many believed in Him due to coming across as having a great deal of authority. (v. 32) Jesus was 100% human. He was also 100% divine. Now I know the mathematicians out there might be thinking 200%, "I don't think so." But God, who developed all physics and mathematics, through His Creation of our world, can do anything, so I accept it as truth.

So why was Jesus in Capernaum? He had moved there as it was a thriving city with many Roman and Jewish citizens. God, in His perfect plan, knew word of Jesus would be spread throughout the civilized world due to being in Capernaum.

Of course, Jesus was known for His healing of the sick and so on one Sabbath, while teaching in the synagogue, a man possessed by many demons cried out for Jesus' help. Many, including some of the disciples, shushed the man and told him to quit bothering the Lord. However, in God's plan, Jesus was to have compassion on this poor soul. He cast the demons out and while going out of the man, they were quoted as saying the following: "Go away! What do you want with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? We know who you are -- the Holy One of God!" (v. 34)

You see, Jesus commanded most demons to be quiet before they spoke, but these, the scriptures tell us, were not told by Jesus to be quiet until after they identified Him as the Holy one of God. Once again, God was working His plan. There were many people in the synagogue that day; most of them were from Jewish and Roman heritage. Now, as we know, the Jewish Pharisees were there and they were incensed as they saw Jesus' authority rising and theirs diminishing. So, they accused Him of working on the Sabbath. But again all of this was by plan as these Pharisees would one day have Jesus killed. And, in so doing, scripture would be fulfilled.

Jesus goes on to heal Peter's mother-in-law. What I found notable in this story was the scriptures state that Jesus "...bent down over her and rebuked the fever, and it left her." I found this interesting as it didn't say Jesus rebuked the demons. It leads me to conclude that not all things wrong in life are there due to demonic oppression or possession.

Finally in verse 43, Jesus was off praying when the people found Him and they tried to get Him to stay. Jesus stated, "I must proclaim the good news of the kingdom of God to the other towns also, because that is why I was sent." Why does this thrill me? It thrills me due to the implication that He wanted to include both Jews and non-Jews in His salvation plan. I'm a non-Jew, so hallelujah, I can be saved.

In closing, I want to re-emphasize that God has a plan for each of our lives. He did with Adam, Jacob, Israel, David and Jesus, and He does for all of us. Sometimes it is hard to understand His plans for each of us, but be assured that it's in full force. One of my favorite verses of assurance is Romans 8:28 that reads, "All things work together for good to them that love God..."


God, thank you for Jesus. You are an amazing God working amazing plans for each of our lives. Help us to understand that in you plan, the answer can be "wait," "no," or us spending some time in turmoil. But I am convinced that you are in charge and all we need to do is to follow and believe. Amen.




I am the administrator of the Daily Worship Blog. My wife, Carla, and I have been attending UALC for seven years at the 9 o'clock service at Mill Run. We have two children, Catherine and Aaron. I have been a Christian for 53 years and am thankful that my Savior has given me two spiritual gifts that have carried me both spiritually and vocationally all my life: they are teaching and administration. I look forward to spending many years here at UALC to serve my Lord and Savior.


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1 Comment

Judy Webb
Judy Webb
Jan 25

There are a number of great one-liners in this section of Scripture. I love how you captured them here. You showed how "his words had authority" and how that impacts us today. Thank you.

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