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Daily Worship

Mary Alice McGinnis

January 22 | Psalm 69:1-9


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What is Consuming Me?

by Mary Alice McGinnis

When my kids were young, we took them to a nearby state park which was situated on the shores of Lake Huron. It was a hot summer day in July. We eagerly peeled off our t-shirts and shorts to unveil our swimsuits underneath. Gingerly, we began to walk out into the lake, slowly allowing our bodies to acclimate to the cool water temperature. As we walked, what was once sand under our feet, was becoming mud. Not just any kind of mud, but gooey, sticky, mucky mud. The water got murkier and murkier with each step, as our feet sank deeper into the muck. Lifting one leg at a time was like pulling our feet out of a giant suction cup. We kept thinking, “We will get beyond this soon, and our feet will find solid ground.” But like quicksand, with each step our feet, ankles, calves, and legs sank deeper and deeper. Finally, up to our knees, I wondered if we were going to escape or be swallowed alive by this giant muck monster. Picture yourself in this scene as we read today’s Psalm. David begins,

“Save me, O God, for the waters have come up to my neck. I sink in the miry depths, where there is no foothold. I have come into the deep waters; the floods engulf me.” Psalm 69:1

David was experiencing hardships that cause him to cry out to God. He feels overwhelmed, as though he is drowning, and his life breathe is ruthlessly being sucked out of him. The reasons for David’s all-consuming distress?

  • People all around him hate him.

  • Those in powerful positions are out to destroy him.

  • He was unjustly accused and having to pay for crimes he did not commit.

  • His own guilt also pulled his soul down into deep anguish.

  • Because of his alliance to God, David was rejected, scorned, shamed, disowned, and abandoned by those around him.

It causes me to ponder, what has been consuming me lately?

While these overpowering problems threatened to consume David, he says he was consumed by something else. “For zeal for Your house consumes me. . .” Psalm 69:9 What do you suppose David meant by this? David was being eaten up by the zeal - the passion - he had for the House of the LORD. God was his hiding place, his place of belonging, his certain and sure foundation. The disciples remembered David’s words from Psalm 69:9 when they witnessed Jesus furiously throwing out the money changers in the temple. Jesus was consumed with saving us. He let nothing deter Him. He was willing to suffer any hardships that were brought on Him because of His zealous desire to bring us home to Him.

Hebrews 12:2 say: “For the joy set before Him He endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God."

Are you feeling overwhelmed by trouble, hardship, heartbreak, dissension, evil, hatred from others, injustice, sin, guilt? Turn your heart over to being overcome by God’s presence.

Picture yourself in the eternal home of Jesus, who sits at the right hand of the throne of God. Let your heart settle there. Abide in Him.

Lord, fill my heart. Let it be filled with Your passionate, zealous, everlasting love that went the way of the Cross for me.



Lectio – Read Psalms 69. Now ask God to help you see Jesus in this text. What stood out to you? Where do you see prophecies in this Psalm that were fulfilled through Jesus? What impact does that have on what you are struggling with right now? Be ready to really hear from God through His Word today.

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1 comentario

22 ene 2022

Mary Alice:

I was reliving my childhood days as you described walking into the lake. I was right with you feeling the gooey mud rising making me a little frightened wondering if I should go any further. Great word picture!

At the moment we are surrounded by a comfortable life. Plenty to eat, a warm home, investments to pay our bills in retirement, wonderful healthy family and opportunities to serve the Lord in meaningful ways. Life is good. But is it so good we forget the cross and the price paid for our salvation? I pray that we come daily to Jesus mindfully approaching His throne and presenting ourselves as humble, obedient servants.

Remind me Lord to always look to…

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