What is New Here?
by Elaine Pierce
I would bet that almost everyone who reads this blog has read these parables before. The parable of the sower, the lamp on a stand, the parable of the growing seed, and the parable of the mustard seed are among the most well known of all Jesus' teachings. Take a look at verse 2 of the old Thanksgiving hymn, "Come Ye Thankful People Come.
Yes, we are familiar with these parables. But how can we look at them with fresh eyes today? When a scripture is well-worn and familiar, it can be easy to 'hear but not understand' as Jesus says to his closest followers, the Twelve, after he shares the parable of the sower. Sometimes I am certain that I already know what a verse means, and I don't take time to ask God to show me new truths.
As I read these verses and prayed over what I could share with you, I was struck by the last two verses: With many similar parables Jesus spoke the word to them, as much as they could understand. He did not say anything to them without using a parable. But when he was alone with his own disciples, he explained everything. (v. 33-34). A couple of observations:
The gospels don't record the entirety of Jesus' preaching -think of how much more we will learn when we spend eternity with him!
He explained everything to his disciples when he was alone with them. How important it is to spend one-on-one time with the Lord.
Take time every day this week to kneel at Jesus' feet and to meditate on the word. Yes, you will have days that will be dry as dust, but don't lose heart. And thank him for the time to come when we will have all eternity to sing his praises and to fully know him.
Lord, I wish I knew all the answers, but I recognize that on this side of heaven that won't happen. Help me sit at your feet and learn from you, for your yoke is easy and your burden is light. Amen.
Good morning, my sweet sister in Christ. There is so much in today's reading it would fill a volume to discuss all that Jesus intended for us to learn. I am taking your advice and asking Him what new revelation would He have me understand so I can apply it in my life. It seems to me that so often we are of the opinion "we must do something for the kingdom" when, in fact, God's kingdom is organic and alive growing night and day. I see that in the prisons. We come in full of energy and enthusiasm to share Jesus and while we were absent during the week the Holy Spirit was working in the men/women doing mo…