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Daily Worship

Judy Webb

January 19 | Matthew 4:12-22





Ready or Not!

by Judy Webb

Matthew 4:19-20 (NIV) "'Come, follow me,' Jesus said, 'and I will make you fishers of men.' At once, they left their nets and followed him."

When I was a kid, my father would call me to the house by whistling. He could emit a loud, piercing; almost siren-like sound, and all four of us kids would come running when we heard. We might be on the other block, but we would hear it, in fact we would subconsciously listen for it. There were big consequences when we didn't respond in a timely manner.

Do we still hear those in authority calling us? Do we respond in the same way, running toward the voice and shouting as we do, "Coming."

A call from Jesus can come any time in our lives. We might be fresh out of college and ready to enter the workplace, putting our degree to work for us. We are excited and think we are prepared for the next phase of life. We might sense a voice in our spirit whispering, "come follow me," and it stops us in our tracks.

The question now, or the take-away from today's Word is this, has there been a calling on your life? Have you responded yet? Did you recognize it, or are you still trying to decipher it? Maybe there is some denial going on and you are still hedging. Our calling isn't always clear. Sometimes God spends years preparing us for the work He created us for.

But, to use a saying I heard years ago, "God doesn't call the equipped, He equips the called." When God calls us into service, when he convicts us to step out in faith and follow a dream and use our gifts, he doesn't close the door behind as He sends us on our way, but He goes with us.


Dear Jesus, open our ears to hear when you call us. Give us courage to accept the call and step out in faith and prayer. When we follow your will for our lives, it will fulfill us. Come, Holy Spirit!

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