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Daily Worship

Mary Kate Hipp

January 18 | Zechariah 6:9-15


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Our Priestly King

by Mary Kate Hipp

As a little girl, I was OBSESSED with princesses. I am pretty sure I was convinced I was Sleeping Beauty (maybe that explains the daily naps I still take). I even played games that involved a prince having to come to save me, just like Sleeping Beauty, and everything. So it was pretty amazing to little Mary Kate when I found out that Jesus is my King--it was like I was a real princess! My Father is the King who is clothed in splendor, His dominion and authority never end, and He is the King of Kings!

Now, I can confidently say that as a little girl I never dreamt of a Priest coming like I did a King. In fact, since I'm not Catholic, I never even thought I needed a Priest! In the church, we do not often talk about this "name" of God either. However, Zechariah is telling of this great Priest, Jesus, whom we desperately need. Hebrews 7 provides a bit of clarity pertaining to Jesus being our Priest--check it out! The Old Covenant promised a line of Priests coming from the tribe of Levi. These priests were ordained by God to present offerings for atonement among other things. Priests were incredibly important to the Jewish people. Jesus is our superior priest who requires no sacrifice, but Himself for the atonement of our sins. He is able to save us once and for all. We are not burdened by the sacrificial laws of the Old Covenant with Him as our Priest. He "is holy, undefiled, separated from sinners, and exalted above the heavens" (Hebrews 7:26). He is the only Priest we could ever dream of. He is the only Priest we could ever need.

Jesus is not just our King, nor is He just our Priest. He is our Priestly King. He is both the King of Kings and the superior Priest, the only one who can save us completely. I can lay all my sins before my Priestly-King and He is able to make atonement for my sins and accept me into His Kingdom where He reigns over me! Wow, praise Jesus!

I may not play princesses anymore, but I certainly dream now of the day that I am joined with my Priestly-King in His heavenly courts where He reigns forever superior! May you too dream of this day and be thankful for Jesus as our King far greater than we could have ever imagined and Jesus as our Priest--something we may have never even known we needed.



Spend time thanking God for who He is--our Priest and our King. This is a prophecy, where the Israelites are anticipating the first coming of the Messiah as a Priestly-King, now spend time contemplating in anticipation the second coming of our Priestly-King!

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1 Kommentar

18. Jan. 2022

Thank you, Mary Kate for the encouraging words in your blog today. I also contemplate being with Jesus and that great cloud of witnesses in His heavenly Kingdom. It is so compelling to realize this is the ultimate reality, not this fading life, but eternal life of peace and joy. I love Hebrews and the description of Jesus as our Great High Priest and Intercessor. When once we realize God does not forgive our sins because He is loving and forgiving, but only because Jesus died to pay our debt, can we then live in the peace that passes all understanding.

Thank you for taking the time to be a writer for this ministry of UALC.

Robin Lorms

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